Health, Life and Property Starlink Horror

Green Light

We are told that the Queen has been long gone, executed for her crimes against humanity after confessing so they would not be revealed to the public and she could leave a legacy of the leader she should have been. The date of her death to be announced would be the Green Light for the rollout of the human mass financial control system of digital currency, no more currency with her picture printed on it to be issued.

Now you will be told that your fiat currency is not real or even yours, as we see our banks behaving badly. And I recall being a single parent, down to my last few dollars until pay day, when the State of Texas took them from my account for Sales Tax they estimated I owned them because I did not fill out the form saying I did not owe them any. And the Sons of Bitches at the bank never returned the $100 fee they charged me because the State never admitted to wrongdoing, after they got their stinking forms and returned the money they stole from me, grocery money for my young child. That was 14 years ago. I will never forget. Never. The system is bloated, parasitic and corrupt beyond belief.

One has to say that the banksters in charge of the system at hand, would belong in jail and their blood sucking ended. So why would you give these banksters, more power or technology to “manage” your money for you, instead of taking back the possession of your funds, for what you want it spent on? Who voted for Skynet controlled microwave credit score management?

So we will corralled and herded into slavery, through control of our money that we will need to live and take care of our families. They do not care who they hurt. Say, not unexpected.

Wear the Mask

Get The Shot

Accept 5G Radiation

What to do? We have changed our 5G Pandemic Page and put one up about Truthers, for it is the truth that will set you free. The system has already failed. God did not mean for his children to live under microwave radiation control. You can call him any time and you do not need to microwave yourself or anybody else with a phone or anything else to do it. You do not have to live that way, not if you do not want to.

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