The definition of Quantum has recently been changed to allow for it’s use for all kinds of things – mostly not easily understood – and we have come to suspect it is a new marketing term. But it’s original definition is most well described as: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, and that is what a Photon is, that makes up the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G that is being used to surveillance and control us so abusively. We should know more, more about the Photon and energy that runs the universe, and what we should be doing instead of what is being done.
Find out more about the Photon: https://physicsdetective.com/the-photon/
Now, we come to a very interesting technology that makes claims of being able to mitigate the harmful effects of Radio-Frequency Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation. Memon produces a number of rather expensive products and I have purchased one of them for use in my car and found it to be worth having. You can go to their website and find out more, but they have changed it up recently and somehow lost some very important things that people should know. But I still found it up at an affiliated site here: https://healthindoors.com/emf/how-does-memon-work-for-emf-protection/ .
There are two points at the link that I will bring forward here.
1. Energetic Polarisation
Electromagnetic waves have a physical and energetic spin as they travel through the air, which is known as polarisation. Right spin is healing and nurturing and left spin is destructive giving rise to disease and illness. Man-made EMFs are predominantly left turning. . .
2. “Information” on the Wave

Not all information and energy promote a healthy environment. EMFs for example send information that affects the very state of our cells, . . .
So let us first of all ask, why Wireless Telecom Producers are not required to use right-handed photons and clean up their “information”? Even if this does not address all the mechanisms of harm, they appear unwilling to admit to any that they could mitigate. How do these the variables effect to experimental results? Maybe we should be testing the health effects of “information”.
And what is this “information”? We are told fairy tales about the safety of the RF/MW photons based on the energy of a single photon, while there is more on what is being broadcast at us. Other variables pertaining to the photon transmissions are also spoken of in the video at the end of our post Listen to Devra. Here is a slide from her presentation. She lists the signal variables involved in radiation absorption and even calls one Information Content.

So these photons carry unknown energies and effects. We are confused that Memon claims their product will not interfere with telecommunications, but that it cleans this “information” off the photon? Is this “information” not part of the telecommunication? What is on these photons that are now unconsensual ubiquitous exposures?
But we have seen for a long, long time that they knew of this harm and have deployed it on the public anyway. They know of the frequencies and what the harm is and our government has sold licenses for all of them. Worse still are the frequencies that are unlicensed, and would be more widely used, are those they could not sell as they are so bad and the licensees know it. That would include your Wi-Fi.
You know this is just NOT RIGHT in so many ways.
PEOPLE WAKE UP! There is much harm being done. It is so time to get wired and grounded and find out what is happening here.
What would happen if people started demanding clean, right-handed photons of frequencies that were least harmful used at the lowest power needed for the service? The power is yours. Start by getting control of your wireless devices and turning them off as much as you can.