Health, Life and Property

The Plan: How the System Actually Works

Was there a plan?

What happened to this plan?

So sorry to have to tell you about what we have found, but it is critical that you know, if you want to exercise any free will you may still be able to. Time is running out. Do you know what Optigenetics are?

Would you buy a ticket to the Moon or to Mars from this person to escape what you know is planned for the earth?

The plan started before most of us were born. We will bring you a most up-to-date analysis of where we are now, from Sabrina Wallace on the satellite system and the plan in play.

First Link :

Second Link:

Third Link:

Who did this?

What they did with Project Looking Glass left no way out. Are you ready to meet your digi-twin? Prepare to fight for your biofield or lose yourself. Stay tuned with the Psinergists for more information.

We suggest you get busy with Biofield Training, mitigate your EMF/EMR exposures and finds safe ways to detox. Your Biofield is YOUR Body, containing 80% of your immune system and 40% of your endocrine system. Why are these violations of our Body Autonomy allowed? Who is playing with your biofield? What have they got planned for it?

Health, Life and Property

The Electromagnetic You

To really appreciate the wonderful being that you are, you should know about the Electromagnetic You.

You have Vibrational (Sound) Frequencies associated with emotions and feelings.
The Vibrational Frequencies are related to Chakras
The Chakras relate to parts of you body.
The organs of your body have Electromagnetic Frequencies
Your body has a Biofield that is Bio-Photonic. This biophotons have frequencies of 400 to 1,500 Tetrahertz (0.4 to 1.5 Pedahertz). That is 200-800 Nanometers in wave length.

So your sound frequencies are in the range of 400-800 Hz and your body electromagnetic fields are generally in the range of 50-70 MHz and your biophotons are 400 – 1,500 THz. Amazing.

There are wonderful things to find out about the electromagnetic you. How about how essential oils relate to your body parts:

And Your Health.

Now, it has come to my attention that the Human Body Communication (HBC) Band of the Wide Body Area Network (WBAN) is not usually operated using Radio-Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) radiation, but is generally Galvanic Intrabody Communication, for “security” reasons. With Galvanic Intrabody Communication, the signal leakage is limited to 5-10 cm around the body. RF/MW radiation devices based on bluetooth have transmitted signals that are available 5-10 m away from the body.

The HBC Band operates at 5-50 MHz, similar to your body organs.

And so for all the wonderful you, the current plan seems to be…

I would like to point out that what this means, is that when your biometrics are being surveillanced, bio-transmitters in your body may use your bodies electrical energy to transmit the signal to the WBAN. You should know that communications may be two way and may further violate your Body Autonomy. There are even plans to harvest your energy for the electrical grid. Indwelling robots for ruminant health monitoring: A review of elements. See the review of this document for as long as they stay up at Sabrina Wallace’s Odysee and

This is a nasty business and galvanic intrabody communication is electrolytic, meaning there are voltage potential differences and it is low level electrocution. And they did not stop when 4G Restless Leg Syndrome became 5G Stiff Person Syndrome or when the court accepted 14,000 pages of proof of harm from RF/MW radiation. The databases are only getting bigger and the violations more harmful.

We will be following up on where this is all going. Mitigations to protect your Body Autonomy still involve limiting exposures as RF/MW radiation can still be involved in the transmission of the galvanic intrabody signals. Other mitigations involve getting rid of any involuntary implants or transmitters. Do not panic on this and start taking risky detox products. Some of these may be Trojan Horses.

This has all gotten bad, folks. Today I ordered groceries from Instacart and the first two items on their suggestion list were what I had consumed for dinner the past two evenings. I just want these voyeurs out of my body and out of my biofield! I will be training up. Watch me.

WTF Permit Application

Quantum Balderdash

Let us bring forward, this from our post on Left Vs Right:

The definition of Quantum has recently been changed to allow for it’s use for all kinds of things – mostly not easily understood – and we have come to suspect it is a new marketing term. But it’s original definition is most well described as: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, and that is what a Photon is, that makes up the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G… that is being used to surveillance and control us so abusively. We should know more, more about the Photon and energy that runs the universe, and what we should be doing instead of what is being done.

Now, we finally have a detailed explanation of the new marketing term from Sabrina Wallace, where it is embedded in the following video at around 22 minutes. I will let her tell you about it as she does that so well.

Yea, it’s our biofield and our bodies – all just quantum fields – free stuff for predators. The disclosure of nefarious activities continues. Obnoxious weffers making references to humans as hacked animals, were only telling you what happened to you some time ago. Who changed us so that this could be done to us? Dehumanized us? Who is getting rich selling the life from you? Did anybody vote for this?

The biofield is apparently now referred to as a quantum field, a morphogenetic field, a torsion field and a colloidial field by those who have other uses for it than you do.

Do you think it is time yet to find out more? The video above is full of links and references. You may still be able to find Sabrina’s original post on her channel and a whole lot more links and posts.

I think the Sheriff has heard the call. But please do not stop telling all doctors, nurses, police, more sheriffs and whatever biomedical engineers that you know, that it is not some quantum balderdash that is being used to power their surveillance and control system, it is your biofield and your body. Did you consent?

Big Brother, we don’t Love you no more.
Health, Life and Property

Call the Sheriff!

Hear what Sheriff Jones has to say – Cyber Security at around 4 minutes and drones at 8 minutes:

The Sheriffs had their National Convention and the FBI has issued their warning. Well what do you know? Cyber Security and these drones may be a problem. Not if, when?

Call the Police. Call the Sheriff.

Well, let me tell you. A neighbor had their roof assessed using a drone that parked itself hovering in the street outside my office window for too long. As I had been having some problems with security, I decided to report it to the police. What I got advised about was the rights of the drone. Me, I had virtually none, unless it dropped out of the air space, below roof level to people heights.

Now, they have been flying around here regularly, with their RF/MW radiation adding to the destruction of the environment and harm to wildlife, like noxious Peeping Tom’s. Every Peeper and his brother and sister is probably in their glory as there is no easy way to identify them.

If you are not getting the idea yet about how bad this situation is, you need to hear what the Pentagon has decided about their right to kill you. And they do not need to drop down out of airspace to do it. Have you done your TRAINING yet? Well, find out why you need to get that done:

Sheriffs, drones and how you as a psinergist can be helpful to others:

Yes, please call the police and call the sheriff or maybe text them if you can and send them a link to this post or these videos and the training about this electromagnetic warfare being waged against mankind. There is a more recent version of the training that is more formal and may be more appropriate for law enforcement: and another video to facilitate discussions as follows:

For our blue families and the law enforcement folks: Project Maven

Yes, stay inside and call the law, but also know it is YOUR biofield and the tether pulls both ways. Arm yourself with affirmations and protect yourself with the benevolence of the universe. Connect with whatever Higher Power you know, in defense of life and property. These times will define us. May you all stay safe and prosper.

Health, Life and Property

The Fourth Dimension and the HBC Band

Length, Width, Height, Time

Well, I guess you know by now, the High Speed Internet and Free Energy Story about the deployment of all these antennas and powered up Hell Towers was a crock of poo, that was found to be a predictable fail in 2021 and the Federal Communication Commission’s program based Human Exposure Guidelines for Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation (RF/MW) were remanded back to them by the Court in August 2021, leaving only the antiquated guidelines for when a large man starts to cook, in place.

The Free Energy they were apparently talking about is the xenobiotic waste energy, which is around 90% of the RF/MW and likely other EMF transmissions, that is not easily recovered. Yea, and maybe they expect you to absorb this and allow them to recover it from you. And maybe they are modifying DNA or augmenting people so that they can do that without becoming unable to work. Or maybe you will need to wear a copper coil. Or buy some wearables.

So, what is all this for, really?

In the end, I believe it will be for naught, but if you would like to survive this to find out, we have made our suggestions and will continue to cover the story. The Story of Mankind.

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Just want freedom and harmony, but they rolled it out all over me…

This latest part of the story is that all this is necessary so that the future may be predicted. Supposedly you will soon be able to get an app for your phone that predicts it our six days from now. The fourth dimension is TIME. So it would seem the inter-dimensional beings driving this could be humans? Or not. But it is the humans perpetrating this that would need to be held accountable here. Are there nefarious uses of these biometrics beyond monitoring?

But our Balderdash Meter is running over red with the smell of something foul. The Bait and Switch patterns of an industry that fails to meet goals at every generation and then gets richer and richer as the public gets poorer and sicker, has become too predictable. What are they really up to? We think the app will work as well as their high speed wireless internet and just keep making people sicker and poorer as they get richer.

What is a Biomedical Engineer? Sabrina Wallace is reporting there are about 500 humans running the mass control system and she describes who they are, how they are doing it and what they are doing to you. Here is a recent post where she gives the run down on how you have been tethered to the cloud. Yes, this could very well be why things have been going so badly for life on this planet.

Sabrina warns they are changing human beings against their will.

You should find out more here:

Sabrina Wallace is a survivor of DARPA N2 testing for human augmentation and ongoing electronic warfare . She speaks of Tore Maras of Tori Says as being a survivor of AI hybrid programs. Sabrina has been whistle blowing for over a year now. We have spent some time listening to what she says. We suggest you give her a listen.

If you are skeptical, you can find out for yourself using a $30 Short Band Radio with a range that covers the Human Body Communications (HBC) Band of 5-50 MHz and a $15 Megaphone.

The Short Band Radio showed me some interesting things in my home. My wireline internet is humming at several frequencies of the HBC Band. Most disturbingly, my Monitor picked it up and put out a field that goes out to my face and head. I have been having quite a bit of problem with fry-eye even thought I have a special easy-eye monitor with a blue light filter on it as well as coating on my glasses. suggests that the source of the problem is the router with EMR traveling the shielding of my Cat 7 Ethernet cable and offers a grounding cable that works for these cables. I put one on the connection to the laptop and finally got the field around the monitor to go down when I ran the insulated grounding cord back over the top of the monitor to the grounding plug.

Get your wireline internet grounded and include you monitor

Yes, the monitor is well named. It still gave off a huge field with several HBC band frequencies. I did get some further reduction by going into the Display Advanced Settings and reducing the frequency on the Refresh Rate.

Another appliance that picked up the HBC band was a promoted as a low EMF air cleaner. The problem seems to be an air sensor that was not essential to the operation of the unit. I missed the FCC labeling on it when I purchased it. It is now being advertised as “Smart” instead on Amazon (InvisiClean).

We have taken the Megaphone Test and could not find any place on our body where it made noise while held still. The test is shown here:

If you believe you are the victim of targeting you can also sign up for to see if you are on the list.

Get the whole document with lots of Tips, below.

Stay wired and grounded and get yourself protected, I suspect it is about to get wilder.

Our Next Post will be about Calling the Sheriff.

Health, Life and Property

Your Biofield

The photons generating DNA wave propagating electrical homeostasis facilitating body part formerly known as the ‘aura’ is 80% of the Immune System and 40-60% of the Endocrine System.

Biofield Hidden Body Part from Mankind Shown to World

The disclosures continue. Are we a body with a biofield or a biofield with a body? Dr. Robert Young raises the question in the video posted above.

We also have a Symposium ( of people examining the targeting of individuals of over the years that was likely the experimentation for developing the control grid we are now in. Seriously folks, Dr Richard Lighthouse says that approximately 50% of the population has easily detectable implants and he shows you how to identify them at around 56 minutes. Ana Toledo (starting 2:05) says around 10% of the US population is targeted and 75% of the targeted may not even know.

Sabrina Wallace continues to warn us that the nefarious use of WBAN is much more advanced and there is already a fully functional system accessing our bodies and minds since 2016. Apparently the objective is to know everything you do, think and say, in order to predict the future days in advance. She reiterates – Beware of Nano Products. There is no magic bullet.

Friday Coffee – Those THz HURT!

Do not forget to do your TRAINING. If you do not want to read the full 26 pages, the KISS (Keep if Simple, Stupid) is on page 24. Pages 3-18 describe how the WBAN (Wide Body Area Network), which includes your body, works. I got some crystals this week and will be adding these to my mitigation resources.

I would like these violations of my biofield to cease. Leave me alone.

Health, Life and Property

New Threat – Pay Attention Here

As a continuation of Node on the Network and Save the Planet – Save the Humans, we are updating the latest threats and looking to develop some more mitigations.

When the last virus came out and the emergency was declared, I had the distinct impression that the most powerful army deployed were God’s Angels. They have been all around us through all of this, their help there for the asking. Hear the Heavenly Orchestra of their vibrations. Feel the love and strength of their presence. Choose your connections. Let us connect with others to find some solutions.

The news is not good. Human beings, by their own goodness, have been caught unaware of the level of evil being perpetrated on them. I say this, from talking to people as they wake up. And as I have awakened myself. I do believe we will need help from whatever benevolent higher power you can connect with and ask. Now, would be a very good time.

The whistle blowers are out there and are trying to head this off at the pass. And I am going to be doing my best to support them. I am not going to wait for absolute proof of all that is being said, but will be forwarding what we can reasonably validate as I believe to be worth your consideration. Please forward the information as you can. This, and my former two posts have relevant content and we will putting other good links at the end of this post.

Mind you who Sabrina Wallace says is involved in this. Doctors, nurses, police, sheriffs and others providing us with “security”. You probably know some of them. It is suggested you send them some information on this that you find credible and ask them if our biofield is, in fact, being violated without our informed consent. Ask them what we could do to stop it, how you can protect yourself and your loved ones, your neighbors and other people you care about.

Ask. Just ask.

So here is the run down on the most imminent threat:

Sabrina Wallace comes out with the emergence of what was a Horror Sci-Fi Movie – Slaughterbots and the Kill Box. Happening Now. Understand now how it is a problem for this to be on a network that your body is a part of.

There are numerous YT up on how they work. One is following. You can guess what the Kill Box is. Sabrina is reporting these were made available to M-13 several months ago. There will be trouble, down at the border. Yes, if it comes your way, stay inside.

We suggest you watch Sabrina’s channel for updates:

This part of Sabrina’s video describes how the nano-antennas are used as tasers. She spills the beans on Alex Jones in the end.

Next, whistle blower Dr. Richard Bartlett contacts Alex Jones with what he knows about Ebola in Colorado. You will find posts on Twitter and at his website. Here is one link to his discussions:

Next, we have Sabrina Wallace, explaining how the health network can be used to spread the disease, using people as antennas to deliver it to the target. Yes, this is part of what you pay all those big healthcare premiums to support. Remember when the Affordable Care Act was first introduced, they tried to make microchip implant a requirement, but knew it would incite rebellion? It passed in 2010 without any such requirement. Maybe because they found a way around that problem.


So what will you do after seeing people bleeding to death from Ebola? Get the vaccine? With nano-technology to build more biosensors in your body? What should we do here? Hopefully, you will read the package insert before consenting to anything being put in your body, which includes your biofield.

Yes, let us ask those doctors, nurses, police, sheriffs and others providing us with “security”, what levels of surveillance and control are being used on us. How can we get access to our Node on the Network and prohibit access to us?

Now for mitigations:

Limit access to your body. These are the basics, discussed on this website. Get rid of all the wireless devices you can and manage the rest. Be mindful of other routes of exposure through wireline telecommunications and the grid electrical system. Shield, block, ground and earth.

Train up your biofield. This is what Sabrina Wallace is advocating. Cool stuff, actually, and beneficial to you. You may want to start with this TRAINING

Detox. Any heavy metal detox is likely beneficial, but probably limited in efficacy. Watch for Sabrina Wallace’s evaluation of a new product with laboratory results for efficacy. (Update – the zeolite product in question was found to be suspect and not recommended). I personally have used pectin, niacin flush, MSM and lots of good, filtered water (sometimes with a little backing soda for alkalinity), for a variety of toxins I have been exposed to during my life and otherwise have no expertise here.

Note: BEWARE OF C60. There are trusted truthers out there recommending this product and it can provide relief. However, this is Carbon 60, Fullerene, which is a spherical version of Graphene. It works by encapsulation and then, hopefully, discharging. However, you should verify that with documented studies from a trusted source. Likely it can be manipulated by the same systems that are violating our biofields and could be triggered to release what it has encapsulated.

Crystals – Some of these have long been touted as EMF mitigating. I will be looking into this myself to see if I can perceive some efficacy. I had a collection as a child, with my favorite Rose Quartz and will be revisiting memories of pleasant feelings. Let me see if I can tune up my biofield and get some feedback. In the meantime Hopegirl and Sabrina (in Training) have recommendations

Ions – There is a big problem with these energy technologies producing positive ions, mostly toxic. I expect this problem to get worse with the plans for the planet that I am hearing. I am not quite sure what role they play in this, but they are on the electrical ground. I noted a big increase in my house some time after the Big Blast that I think may have caused it. Negative ions are naturally produced by running water and with the weather control systems, we will not know what we will be getting. Otherwise they are produced with an ozone generator, which can be irritating, even though I find it helps with sleep. So far as I can tell, what is best is when the environment is balanced. Net zero or slightly negative. My recommendation at this time, is you get a small one for your home (Ionbox) to have handy, if you do not need one now. I have been using my home’s electrical ground to check the balance, but you will probably want to buy a meter to test the air. I will be updating my Three Things page on this with more specific information when I have it.

Rare Earth Magnets – Why is nobody talking about rare earth magnets here? What do you think one of these would do for those nano-circuits?

I got a collection of them for playing with “free” energy. When 4G Restless Leg Syndrome (that nobody knows the cause of, but they are sure it is not microwave radiation) hit me, running a rare earth magnet over the cramp, would frequently break it. Yea, my coping formula there was to temporarily stop the cramps with acupressure (beneath the nose), get the rare earth magnet on it and if that did not work it was magnesium lotion, then supplemental magnesium and potassium. Now it is 5G Stiff Person Syndrome (that nobody knows the cause of, but they are sure it is not microwave radiation) and a multitude of other mitigations. I would like these violations of my biofield to cease. Leave me alone.

Health, Life and Property

Save the Planet – Save the Humans!

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Our Beautiful Planet is dying and so are we, enslaved in a Digital Prison.
Is this a Reset?
Who will stop the Madness?
(img source:

I have been trying to write this post for two weeks now, sorting through the latest information coming out and today, as the posts put up by Sabrina Wallace last night disappeared as I tried to read them, I knew who was telling the most important truth. Most of the truthers are telling you the truth about everything but the most important things you need to know about. Many of them know. Pray for this woman, please.

Here is the run down:

David Icke, Sabrina Wallace. The Children’s Health Defense and Popular Mechanics all provide us with insight into what is going on with all these radios, towers and satellites. Now this is up on twitter/X and I believe this disclosure is allowed because they believe it is too late for us to stop this. Time is running out. The disclosures are ominous.

David Icke gets credible backing for his beliefs about his experiences. The video below discusses how the virus was a hoax and was actually about using nano-tech to assemble antennas inside us to connect to surveillance and controls leading to a hive mind. They believe this is being driven by non-human beings who influence humans to do their bidding.

While I must admire David Icke for his courage to speak about his controversial beliefs and thoughts, non-humans, whether aliens from other planets, beings in other frequency bands or other dimensions such as time travelers, or some combination of the such, should not be where we look for accountability for what is going on.

More to the mechanics of what is happening, Sabrina Wallace describes the construct of the Digital Prison Network. It is not easy listening, folks. Our last post about Nodes on the Network gives HopeGirl’s translation, but I find credible, to the extent that I can understand and validate what Sabrina tells us, about what has been happening to us.

Today Sabrina’s posts disappeared as I tried to watch them, but I heard enough. I heard Sabrina. She called out for those who know of this, to come forward with full disclosure of things that override and violate every human right, every law and every local government and constitution of every country in the world, before it progresses any further. And they do plan to push this a whole lot further.

Do the people with the fingers on the controls have control of their own nodes or are there levels of puppeteers establishing a chain of deniability? Who is pushing our buttons?

There is a frequency band at 5-50 MHz, the Human Body Communications (HBC) band, that is part of WBAN, that you should find out more about. You may think you have a right to know about how many times yours are being accessed and how, and what is being done, but that likely requires a security clearance you do not have. So who does? Some people who are getting very rich.

Transcript of above:

The network infrastructure has been coming out in plain sight since 2005 and access to you through your Node on the Network has likely been widely functional since 2016. So if you have wondered why your supposedly elected representatives do not represent you and why so much does not make sense about so many human behaviors, look at the capability of WBAN.

According to Sabrina, it is more than the mass monitoring of every person as a node on the network. There are unacceptable things being done to our mind and our body, including using us for antennas and the harvesting of our biofield, our biophoton field involving our DNA. And that it is now bought and sold like a commodity to extend the life of others. Find her post as you can here: . More about her posted here:

We have updated our October post on the Big Blast to include Sabrina’s video on what they were doing with that. As I thought at the time it was a big nothing-burger, I have since changed my mind. I did not realize at the time, one of my low amperage grounding fuses had blown and some time later this was found, with a significant rise in electro-pollution, that may have been positive ions. According to Sabrina, you could have your wireless devices off and under Faraday and they would still find you, from the antennas that have been constructed in you. THAT is the what the FCC and FEMA were testing during with the Emergency Management System doing their Big Blast.

But it is more than the Big Blast that tells me Sabrina’s story rings true. I look back on my life to 2011 when they put the Smart Meter on the house and the garden by it died. I meant to get an EMF/EMR meter then and I had other expenses that always seemed to preempt the $400 EMF/EMR meter. Loved ones in my life sickened and died and my own health went down. I bought the house I was living in, in 2016, but still did not get that EMF/EMR meter or get rid of that Smart Meter. Why, oh why? I had a wakeup call in 2019 and experienced amazing improvements in my health when I mitigated my exposures. Just in time, as the 2021 deployments hit me hard and I do not believe I would be alive today if I had remained unaware.

I look back differently now, on the sickening and deaths of me and my loved ones and believe it was from the 4G, Wi-fi Everywhere and then the 5G desifications done in preparation for the deployments done under cover of Covid. Review of permits for the tower near my home showed annual “upgrades” as they pulled the noose tighter and tighter. Who knew there could be such evil on the rise?

So why did I not buy that EMF/EMR meter with the money I inherited from my mother after her death from cancer in 2013? So why did I not get rid of that smart meter and get my house grounded in 2016 when I bought it? What that EMF/EMR meter could have saved me was priceless. A fog. It was all as if I had fallen into a fog. Like, Don’t blame the cell tower or the smart meter, suck it up and be responsible and take more vitamins. I do not know if it was microwave radiation illness or overt mind control. I know now, I was wrong to try to cope. I feel the fog has lifted. Am I still under some kind of subversive control?

Is there an electromagnetic war against humanity in progress that is about to get a whole lot worse?

Are we literally feeding the beast with our biofields and data?

Their wealth at the expense of our health, privacy and freedom.

How do we stop feeding this beast?

Effects are cumulative so every bit you can do matters.

Get control of your wireless devices or get rid of them. Wireline and electrical systems should also be checked for routes to access your body for data and control.

Recognize yourself as an electromagnetic being, with significant powers in your biofield. Your vibrational frequencies are controlled by your emotional state and higher spiritual connections. You have always been able to make wireless connections, even without the nano-tech. Re-establish control of yourself, before it is too late. Sabrina is reporting they can control your mind (neurons) at this point. No surprise. But the scale on which they can do it is the threat, as the advantage of number disappears. This must not be allowed.

Know this about Power and Control: The chains used to bind you, pull both ways. Recognize what may be happening to you.

I believe Sabrina Wallace to be making credible claims about what has been happening and the dangers we are in. She says they are planning to deploy more powerful satellites and will have overwhelming power over our bodies and minds, before the upcoming election. She suggests they are going to turn us on each other and there will be revolution. These things must not be allowed.

The Childrens Health Defense recently held a forum on the Digital Prison, with a a guest knowledgeable about the intelligence community. How much does Crisanna Shackelford know? Looking at her credentials, we would guess she knows a lot. And we listened in anticipation of some useful information.

While she made note that accountability was a huge issue, and referred to Biometric Totalitarianism, and predicted a dystopian future she made it plain there was a lot she could not and would not answer. We think she knows. Maybe we should ask her more.

Call them out. You do them no favors accepting this situation.

Next comes Popular Science with more information disclosed. Our BS meter has gone to Red Alert.

Battery Balderdash

And you thought it was just a movie? After being loaded with self assembling antennas you will be expected to collect electricity? They are not hiding it anymore, they are marketing it. Where is all this horrifying stuff coming from?

Popular Mechanics tells of the researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst working on getting us fitted up with copper coils to make use of waste energy from these amazingly inefficient telecommunication system so that they can go with wireless fiber optics for 6G after 5G failed to deliver wire-line fiber optics speed. We could have had fiber to the premises of every remote place in the country ten times over for what the failed wireless systems cost us in misappropriated public utility funds ( My BS meter is alarming.

You never hear about the efficiency of wireless telecommunications as it is dreadful, around 10%, so there is an excessive amount of waste energy. It is low level energy is elecro-junk and pollution and we are drowning in it. It is a major health and environmental disaster. At this time, the best thing to do with it is ground it out, back to the center of the earth. It it is an enthalpy/entropy problem and is common to all power production and use.

There are interesting technologies around for harvesting the low level energy. It can be done but when you look at what it takes to build the machines to produce useful power from it, it becomes questionable what the net benefit is.

Furthermore, the predominantly left-handed photons from wireless telecommunications have been overwhelming demonstrated as xenobiotic, and the FCC has failed to establish Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation Human Exposure Guidelines for 5G deployments, with their program based guidelines remanded back to them by the court in August 2021.

Yet, back to Sabrina Wallace and the following from her disclosures:

“You have to believe Raytheon, Northrupp Gruman, Android and even Verizon all work jobs that regard your body as a NODE on a BODY AREA NETWORK. (Wikipedia, IEEE 802.15.6 for WBAN = YOUR wide (wireless) body area network).

They did not offer a new technology. They digitally bound up the human electrical homeostasis, known as the biofield (formerly known as the aura), into a series of soft robotics, DNA-analyte biosensors and crafted libraries for database curation and labeling, sold them to Department of Defense vendor companies for years, and continue issuing software to anyone who wishes to utilize it for biological and electronic weaponry, on the same wireless systems as our cell phones. And they call it “Havanna Syndrome,” “Targeted Individuals,” or just call you crazy, tell you to take drugs and take your property and vocation by assassinating your character OR you – Arkancide style.

They get paychecks for doing all of this every day and until we- as individuals, start being accountable to our own body parts, there is no way to hold the other humans among us accountable. And their level of violence and hostility is escalating, not abating.”

(Sabrina Wallace)

“I do not have email, telegram, IMSG or a cell phone. I teach free classes,for extended situational awareness, harnessing the human body part, known as the human biofield. This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud, since 2005. IEEE is the International Standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineering. You will find your body on the web and commercially accessible via the same wireless working groups for all wireless devices. How did it happen? How can you gain access to the biosensors that are magnetically routing the data instead of your lunch in your red blood cells? (Folks, this one is for you and while it is not my A Game, I give myself a B and if you want me to include anything, please let me know. I am currently working on signs for the literal math from A to B, so people can understand energy harvesting.”

(Sabrina Wallace)

We are hearing claims like these and that there is harvesting of biofield energy that is sold for life extension. We should be demanding to have access to our information as Nodes on the Network and to know who has been accessing them and for what. We must not allow ourselves to be reduced to be exploited, abused animals.

We will be following up on this and posting further information.

Save the Planet. Save the Humans.

Health, Life and Property

Node on the Network

…overrides and violates every human right, every law and every local government and constitution of every country in the world.

The woman who spoke out in the video at the end of our After the Blast post of November 7, 2023 is offline for now after waking up to find her bathtub in her bed over the holidays. We have found some recent posts and you can track them down through this link

HopeGirl presents what we are facing here, in this very well organized explanation of what is going on.

Are you a Node on a Network?

What can be said about all this? Has AI been sentient since 1954, taking us down a road to a world unfit for humans? We are certainly seeing a whole lot of bad programming.

Believe it or not. But do not ignore the disappearance of insects, pollinators and birds, the effect that has on other wildlife, the changes in the weather patterns and the LED sun.

It looks to me, at this point in time, that it has become apparent that your life depends on you getting your electronic devices under control and managing them so they are not doing harm to you. So whether it is an matter of good physical and mental health, or the end of any kind of existence that has any quality, here’s what you can do (See the Three Things page for details):

Best to get an EMF meter to find all the sources of RF/MW radiation you are being exposed to. Your home electrical system at 60 Hz is likely your next biggest source of exposure.

Wire your home network and if you use any wi-fi, make sure it is a JRS on-demand system. All stationary devices should be wired. Have docking stations for laptops and tethers for cell phones.

Minimize the wireless use of your cell phone by getting a land line at your home or using the phone through the wired internet.

If you need to use your cell phone, know it is not your friend and do not put it on your body. Turn off you Location Tracking (GPS). Your apps will still work fine. BEFORE you turn your phone off, put it in Airplane Mode. Keep it in Airplane Mode as much as you can. Turn it off at night.

Your microwave oven is likely cooking you as they have been powered up and had shielding minimized over the years. I say get rid of it. Get a toaster oven instead.

Cordless phones are also a problem. Why are they designed so that the base is always on and you cannot shut it off and leave a wired phone connected to take incoming calls? I got rid of mine but if you have to have them, pull the plug at night and leave a wired phone connected for incoming calls.

Turn off the infotainment center in your car (if you can) and drive.

As far as the your 60 Hz system is concerned, the most important things to do are to get rid of your “smart” meter and make sure your home electrical system is well grounded. There are also dirty electricity filters you can use to make further improvements.

Check your bedroom with an EMF meter of the proper frequency ranges and install radio-blocks as necessary to assure you have a safe-sleep-space. Do not be a node at night for anybody to access without your consent.

Yes, I do believe there are those who are doing terrible things to other people using this technology. It has only gotten worse and will not stop until you stop it. Why is S still alive? God loves her, but is there more to it than that? Is she meant to tell her story so you will know the truth and can no longer practice willful ignorance, thus giving consent? By continuing to allow these abuses, still downloading games on your phone, are you giving your consent for what is to come?

The War Between Good and Evil is Eternal.

In the End, God Wins

Do not make yourself collateral damage.

God’s Love is Real

I would ask all for prayers of protection for those who go forward and make a stand for the good of mankind. Happening Now.

Harmful RF/MW Radiation is for Heath Monitoring???? How can you still believe that after the big 5G High Speed Internet Fail and the court’s ruling remanding the Federal Communication Commissions Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation Human Exposure Guidelines – Thrown Out of Court Two Years Ago, without response?
Do you know who has access to your Node on the Network?

Health, Life and Property Starlink Horror

Happy New Year – 5G Starlink Fail-Restore the Planet

Happy New Year Link:

So what is to come for 2024? Will there be civil war and fire from the sky as a draconian mass micro-control system is deployed upon us? Or will it all be a big nothing-burger as the course of the eternal struggle between good and evil gets a reset? Will that be a totalitarian two-step into a hideous hive mind of oppression or towards a decent, fair and free society?

You must look past the lies of The Age of Fake and realize that all of us have the power to change the world, to have your say in our future. So many lies, the biggest one is about your power to change this world. We have tried to tell you through this website about the role of electromagnetics in all of this. If you still do not know how to exercise your power, we will give you one more hint: There were armies of benevolent spirits deployed in opposition to the evil that rolled out upon us and their powers are there for the asking, to help you with whatever you are going through, as long as you are trying to do the right thing. Choose. Ask. Feel the heavenly orchestral vibration of love and protection. Pick your path through the confusion.

Our Christmas was modest, mostly by choice. We lit up our Angels and turned on some lights, but the tree and the the yule log were on the computer screen in the metaverse only. We caught up on a few things in our home where our mitigations had deteriorated to the point of failure. Budget Film installed on our home office window after deployments of 2021. The film at the bottom is degraded to the point pieces are breaking off. Consider what the deployment of these microwave systems is doing to us. This window is facing south so it does get sun, but so do we. I also have northern facing applications where striations have developed. We must object to this abuse of wildlife and those who toil in the sunshine. Your phone is not your friend.

For Christmas I gave myself some new Budget Film on my home office window. Yes, I am surprised I have not heard from my HOA about the messy window, but I think most people are pretending they do not see it or know what it is. Looking at the world coming in 2024, I would like to do the same. Yet, it has merit as long as you have a sense of humor.

We have been hearing from the Satellite Phone Salesmen Truthers that poor Elon the Exploding Car Salesman is being picked on by the Cabal of the FCC by withholding his loot for his 20 Mbps High Speed Internet. In a mad race to the bottom, the Wireless Industry has thrown out the 100 Mbps UP/DOWN high speed internet requirement (which is about 10% of what Fiber Optics can deliver) and you can eat poo if you do not like it. 20 Mbps is just fine for anything you may want to upload to the system that they are planning to link your brain to. Now these Muskrat lovers are expecting you to hail Elon as the new Trump, persecuted for buying Twitter/Twatter, rebranding it X and giving the world Freedom of Speech. With each new persecution, his ratings with Alex Jones are going up. And I think Alex is back on X as long as he does not exercise his newly found Freedom of Speech too much.

Starlink is officially a FAIL on high speed internet. . Now what to do with the space junk – or was that ever what the Starlink deployment was about? When will the FCC issue real Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation in response to the remand of the court of their fake ones for the deployments now upon us? Who will save the planet?

As the crescendo of the madness rises, we can only watch in amazement. They are all proof positive that radio-frequency microwave radiation causes physical and mental illness. The parade of posers and buffoons in rubber masks in endless succession dance on the Stage of Fake for your entertainment as totalitarian agendas are advanced.

And then comes Dr. Charlie Ward, who tells us this is all a pantomime, as the real reason for Starlink, the operation of the global financial takeover, has been complete and they are just “waking up” the public to what has happened to them and why it is a good thing. The micromanagers have gathered all the wealth for redistribution and are just waiting until all the “evil” has been eradicated from the system, to distribute yours to you.

Unfortunately, part of the “evil” they are demanding be eradicated is your wireline internet where you can choose to connect or not, with relatively little harm. You will need to use the Satellite internet to get your share of the wealth or accept some other draconian form of microchip. We would like to pretend this was not a requirement to blanket the earth with death and destruction and have the control of the planet extraterrestrial, but we all know who tells these kinds of tales and makes these kinds of deals.

The Banksters are making their move. We think Charlie is correct, all the rest is a pantomime. There may be pandemics, civil war and hellfire from the sky, but it is actually ALL about the money. Will we be totalitarian two stepped into the hive mind or will the money-changers be chased from the temple? Or will the wealth of the world be truly given to those to whom it belongs by those wise enough to know, if you want to be free, let go.

And when it is done, who shall inherit the earth?

If you want to know how the battle of good and evil is going, watch and see if the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund starts running Fiber To The Premisis (FTTP). Until that happens, they are better off without.

It is not too late to get that EMF meter and start taking control of your wireless electronic devices and managing your electromagnetic environment to the best of your ability. Do not end up like the budget film on our window.

We plan to go forward in defense of life and property and ask for contributions of prayers and karma chips for this New Year. You can send them by the wireless connection you were born with.

Update: The Exploding Car Salesman is not done with satellites yet and now plans to put cell towers on them for phone calls and texts since the high-speed-internet con has collapsed.

Now, everywhere, wildlife for miles around can be microwaved with every text and phone call. How many $ Billions will he bilk the public for this time?