About Case 20-1025 EHT/CHD v FCC re: FCC Order 19-126 re: the FCC’s Insufficient Analysis of the Adequacy of the RF/MW Radiation Exposure Guideline – get the pier reviewed studies submitted to the court proving harm from RF/MW microwave radiation. https://ehtrust.org/environmental-health-trust-et-al-v-fcc-key-documents/ and 11,000 pages of evidence of proof of harm from RF/MW radiation is also listed here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/landmark-5g-case-against-fcc-hearing-set-jan-25/
Environmental Health Trust https://ehtrust.org/scientific-research-on-5g-and-health/
Information and resources: https://scientists4wiredtech.com/
More information: https://wireamerica.org/https://wireamerica.org/
How to make Your Choice https://mystreetmychoice.com/
These guys are fighting for us and need our support. Find out about the misappropriation of our broadband funds and the current legal action: http://irregulators.org/
Jeromy Johnson’s Website: https://www.emfanalysis.com/
Geovital Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine https://en.geovital.com
Shopping – Useful Products and Information
Best Wi-fi router https://www.jrseco.com/pcat/low-radiation-wifi-routers-jrs-eco-wifi/ Note: You can buy the Asus router and then download the firmware from JRS to make it on demand, only. See our post at https://reject5g.info/2021/09/12/wi-fry/
First choice for an EMF meter for the RF/MW range is the Safe and Sound Pro II Meter or the EMFields Acoustimeter AM-11
Safe and Sound Pro II Meter and more from Safe Living – https://slt.co/Products/RFMeters/SafeandSoundProIIRFMeter.aspx
It you cannot afford the Safe and Sound Pro II Meter or the EMFields Acoustimeter AM-11, a low budget alternative is the EMF 390. Broad range and lots of features. http://stfnreport.com/product/emf-390/
For an affordable spectrum analyzer we recommend the RF Explorer https://rfexplorer.com/models/
EMF Academy – https://emfacademy.com/
EMF Safety Superstore (our Favorite) – https://www.lessemf.com/
One of our favorite products is from Memon, a passive device for the the Car that we personally use and had others who agree the product is beneficial while driving in the car. You can get just the Car Memonizer or a set of the Car and Media (do not use media in car and have not tested the Media module). In the USA you can purchase their products here: https://totalharmonywithnature.com/
Lots of good ideas at: Low Electromagnetic Fields Office Solutions
Amazon is full of EMF Protection Products
Articles and References
Standards Recommended to the FCC in 2019: https://bioinitiative.org/table-of-contents/ and https://www.baubiologie.de/downloads/building-biology-guidelines-english.pdf
Biological Effects Of Radio Frequency Radiation, EPA, 1984
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects, June 1988
Multi-Photon Effect: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Microwave_ionization_of_hydrogen_atoms
Body Voltage: http://www.collagesite.org/causeof/electro_bvoltage.htm
Criticism of the Health Assessment in the ICNIRP Guidelines for Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation (100 kHz – 300 GHz), 21st September 2002 https://www.electricalpollution.com/documents/Cherry2000EMR_ICNIRP_critique_09-02.pdf
Biological Effects, 1976 https://reject5g.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/1976-BE.pdf