So what is to come for 2024? Will there be civil war and fire from the sky as a draconian mass micro-control system is deployed upon us? Or will it all be a big nothing-burger as the course of the eternal struggle between good and evil gets a reset? Will that be a totalitarian two-step into a hideous hive mind of oppression or towards a decent, fair and free society?
You must look past the lies of The Age of Fake and realize that all of us have the power to change the world, to have your say in our future. So many lies, the biggest one is about your power to change this world. We have tried to tell you through this website about the role of electromagnetics in all of this. If you still do not know how to exercise your power, we will give you one more hint: There were armies of benevolent spirits deployed in opposition to the evil that rolled out upon us and their powers are there for the asking, to help you with whatever you are going through, as long as you are trying to do the right thing. Choose. Ask. Feel the heavenly orchestral vibration of love and protection. Pick your path through the confusion.
Our Christmas was modest, mostly by choice. We lit up our Angels and turned on some lights, but the tree and the the yule log were on the computer screen in the metaverse only. We caught up on a few things in our home where our mitigations had deteriorated to the point of failure.

For Christmas I gave myself some new Budget Film on my home office window. Yes, I am surprised I have not heard from my HOA about the messy window, but I think most people are pretending they do not see it or know what it is. Looking at the world coming in 2024, I would like to do the same. Yet, it has merit as long as you have a sense of humor.
We have been hearing from the Satellite Phone Salesmen Truthers that poor Elon the Exploding Car Salesman is being picked on by the Cabal of the FCC by withholding his loot for his 20 Mbps High Speed Internet. In a mad race to the bottom, the Wireless Industry has thrown out the 100 Mbps UP/DOWN high speed internet requirement (which is about 10% of what Fiber Optics can deliver) and you can eat poo if you do not like it. 20 Mbps is just fine for anything you may want to upload to the system that they are planning to link your brain to. Now these Muskrat lovers are expecting you to hail Elon as the new Trump, persecuted for buying Twitter/Twatter, rebranding it X and giving the world Freedom of Speech. With each new persecution, his ratings with Alex Jones are going up. And I think Alex is back on X as long as he does not exercise his newly found Freedom of Speech too much.
Starlink is officially a FAIL on high speed internet. https://broadbandbreakfast.com/2023/12/fcc-upholds-denial-of-starlinks-rdof-application/ . Now what to do with the space junk – or was that ever what the Starlink deployment was about? When will the FCC issue real Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation in response to the remand of the court of their fake ones for the deployments now upon us? Who will save the planet?
As the crescendo of the madness rises, we can only watch in amazement. They are all proof positive that radio-frequency microwave radiation causes physical and mental illness. The parade of posers and buffoons in rubber masks in endless succession dance on the Stage of Fake for your entertainment as totalitarian agendas are advanced.
And then comes Dr. Charlie Ward, who tells us this is all a pantomime, as the real reason for Starlink, the operation of the global financial takeover, has been complete and they are just “waking up” the public to what has happened to them and why it is a good thing. The micromanagers have gathered all the wealth for redistribution and are just waiting until all the “evil” has been eradicated from the system, to distribute yours to you.
Unfortunately, part of the “evil” they are demanding be eradicated is your wireline internet where you can choose to connect or not, with relatively little harm. You will need to use the Satellite internet to get your share of the wealth or accept some other draconian form of microchip. We would like to pretend this was not a requirement to blanket the earth with death and destruction and have the control of the planet extraterrestrial, but we all know who tells these kinds of tales and makes these kinds of deals.

The Banksters are making their move. We think Charlie is correct, all the rest is a pantomime. There may be pandemics, civil war and hellfire from the sky, but it is actually ALL about the money. Will we be totalitarian two stepped into the hive mind or will the money-changers be chased from the temple? Or will the wealth of the world be truly given to those to whom it belongs by those wise enough to know, if you want to be free, let go.
And when it is done, who shall inherit the earth?
If you want to know how the battle of good and evil is going, watch and see if the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund starts running Fiber To The Premisis (FTTP). Until that happens, they are better off without.
It is not too late to get that EMF meter and start taking control of your wireless electronic devices and managing your electromagnetic environment to the best of your ability. Do not end up like the budget film on our window.
We plan to go forward in defense of life and property and ask for contributions of prayers and karma chips for this New Year. You can send them by the wireless connection you were born with.
Update: The Exploding Car Salesman is not done with satellites yet and now plans to put cell towers on them for phone calls and texts since the high-speed-internet con has collapsed.
Now, everywhere, wildlife for miles around can be microwaved with every text and phone call. How many $ Billions will he bilk the public for this time?