Health, Life and Property

Save the Planet – Save the Humans!

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Our Beautiful Planet is dying and so are we, enslaved in a Digital Prison.
Is this a Reset?
Who will stop the Madness?
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I have been trying to write this post for two weeks now, sorting through the latest information coming out and today, as the posts put up by Sabrina Wallace last night disappeared as I tried to read them, I knew who was telling the most important truth. Most of the truthers are telling you the truth about everything but the most important things you need to know about. Many of them know. Pray for this woman, please.

Here is the run down:

David Icke, Sabrina Wallace. The Children’s Health Defense and Popular Mechanics all provide us with insight into what is going on with all these radios, towers and satellites. Now this is up on twitter/X and I believe this disclosure is allowed because they believe it is too late for us to stop this. Time is running out. The disclosures are ominous.

David Icke gets credible backing for his beliefs about his experiences. The video below discusses how the virus was a hoax and was actually about using nano-tech to assemble antennas inside us to connect to surveillance and controls leading to a hive mind. They believe this is being driven by non-human beings who influence humans to do their bidding.

While I must admire David Icke for his courage to speak about his controversial beliefs and thoughts, non-humans, whether aliens from other planets, beings in other frequency bands or other dimensions such as time travelers, or some combination of the such, should not be where we look for accountability for what is going on.

More to the mechanics of what is happening, Sabrina Wallace describes the construct of the Digital Prison Network. It is not easy listening, folks. Our last post about Nodes on the Network gives HopeGirl’s translation, but I find credible, to the extent that I can understand and validate what Sabrina tells us, about what has been happening to us.

Today Sabrina’s posts disappeared as I tried to watch them, but I heard enough. I heard Sabrina. She called out for those who know of this, to come forward with full disclosure of things that override and violate every human right, every law and every local government and constitution of every country in the world, before it progresses any further. And they do plan to push this a whole lot further.

Do the people with the fingers on the controls have control of their own nodes or are there levels of puppeteers establishing a chain of deniability? Who is pushing our buttons?

There is a frequency band at 5-50 MHz, the Human Body Communications (HBC) band, that is part of WBAN, that you should find out more about. You may think you have a right to know about how many times yours are being accessed and how, and what is being done, but that likely requires a security clearance you do not have. So who does? Some people who are getting very rich.

Transcript of above:

The network infrastructure has been coming out in plain sight since 2005 and access to you through your Node on the Network has likely been widely functional since 2016. So if you have wondered why your supposedly elected representatives do not represent you and why so much does not make sense about so many human behaviors, look at the capability of WBAN.

According to Sabrina, it is more than the mass monitoring of every person as a node on the network. There are unacceptable things being done to our mind and our body, including using us for antennas and the harvesting of our biofield, our biophoton field involving our DNA. And that it is now bought and sold like a commodity to extend the life of others. Find her post as you can here: . More about her posted here:

We have updated our October post on the Big Blast to include Sabrina’s video on what they were doing with that. As I thought at the time it was a big nothing-burger, I have since changed my mind. I did not realize at the time, one of my low amperage grounding fuses had blown and some time later this was found, with a significant rise in electro-pollution, that may have been positive ions. According to Sabrina, you could have your wireless devices off and under Faraday and they would still find you, from the antennas that have been constructed in you. THAT is the what the FCC and FEMA were testing during with the Emergency Management System doing their Big Blast.

But it is more than the Big Blast that tells me Sabrina’s story rings true. I look back on my life to 2011 when they put the Smart Meter on the house and the garden by it died. I meant to get an EMF/EMR meter then and I had other expenses that always seemed to preempt the $400 EMF/EMR meter. Loved ones in my life sickened and died and my own health went down. I bought the house I was living in, in 2016, but still did not get that EMF/EMR meter or get rid of that Smart Meter. Why, oh why? I had a wakeup call in 2019 and experienced amazing improvements in my health when I mitigated my exposures. Just in time, as the 2021 deployments hit me hard and I do not believe I would be alive today if I had remained unaware.

I look back differently now, on the sickening and deaths of me and my loved ones and believe it was from the 4G, Wi-fi Everywhere and then the 5G desifications done in preparation for the deployments done under cover of Covid. Review of permits for the tower near my home showed annual “upgrades” as they pulled the noose tighter and tighter. Who knew there could be such evil on the rise?

So why did I not buy that EMF/EMR meter with the money I inherited from my mother after her death from cancer in 2013? So why did I not get rid of that smart meter and get my house grounded in 2016 when I bought it? What that EMF/EMR meter could have saved me was priceless. A fog. It was all as if I had fallen into a fog. Like, Don’t blame the cell tower or the smart meter, suck it up and be responsible and take more vitamins. I do not know if it was microwave radiation illness or overt mind control. I know now, I was wrong to try to cope. I feel the fog has lifted. Am I still under some kind of subversive control?

Is there an electromagnetic war against humanity in progress that is about to get a whole lot worse?

Are we literally feeding the beast with our biofields and data?

Their wealth at the expense of our health, privacy and freedom.

How do we stop feeding this beast?

Effects are cumulative so every bit you can do matters.

Get control of your wireless devices or get rid of them. Wireline and electrical systems should also be checked for routes to access your body for data and control.

Recognize yourself as an electromagnetic being, with significant powers in your biofield. Your vibrational frequencies are controlled by your emotional state and higher spiritual connections. You have always been able to make wireless connections, even without the nano-tech. Re-establish control of yourself, before it is too late. Sabrina is reporting they can control your mind (neurons) at this point. No surprise. But the scale on which they can do it is the threat, as the advantage of number disappears. This must not be allowed.

Know this about Power and Control: The chains used to bind you, pull both ways. Recognize what may be happening to you.

I believe Sabrina Wallace to be making credible claims about what has been happening and the dangers we are in. She says they are planning to deploy more powerful satellites and will have overwhelming power over our bodies and minds, before the upcoming election. She suggests they are going to turn us on each other and there will be revolution. These things must not be allowed.

The Childrens Health Defense recently held a forum on the Digital Prison, with a a guest knowledgeable about the intelligence community. How much does Crisanna Shackelford know? Looking at her credentials, we would guess she knows a lot. And we listened in anticipation of some useful information.

While she made note that accountability was a huge issue, and referred to Biometric Totalitarianism, and predicted a dystopian future she made it plain there was a lot she could not and would not answer. We think she knows. Maybe we should ask her more.

Call them out. You do them no favors accepting this situation.

Next comes Popular Science with more information disclosed. Our BS meter has gone to Red Alert.

Battery Balderdash

And you thought it was just a movie? After being loaded with self assembling antennas you will be expected to collect electricity? They are not hiding it anymore, they are marketing it. Where is all this horrifying stuff coming from?

Popular Mechanics tells of the researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst working on getting us fitted up with copper coils to make use of waste energy from these amazingly inefficient telecommunication system so that they can go with wireless fiber optics for 6G after 5G failed to deliver wire-line fiber optics speed. We could have had fiber to the premises of every remote place in the country ten times over for what the failed wireless systems cost us in misappropriated public utility funds ( My BS meter is alarming.

You never hear about the efficiency of wireless telecommunications as it is dreadful, around 10%, so there is an excessive amount of waste energy. It is low level energy is elecro-junk and pollution and we are drowning in it. It is a major health and environmental disaster. At this time, the best thing to do with it is ground it out, back to the center of the earth. It it is an enthalpy/entropy problem and is common to all power production and use.

There are interesting technologies around for harvesting the low level energy. It can be done but when you look at what it takes to build the machines to produce useful power from it, it becomes questionable what the net benefit is.

Furthermore, the predominantly left-handed photons from wireless telecommunications have been overwhelming demonstrated as xenobiotic, and the FCC has failed to establish Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation Human Exposure Guidelines for 5G deployments, with their program based guidelines remanded back to them by the court in August 2021.

Yet, back to Sabrina Wallace and the following from her disclosures:

“You have to believe Raytheon, Northrupp Gruman, Android and even Verizon all work jobs that regard your body as a NODE on a BODY AREA NETWORK. (Wikipedia, IEEE 802.15.6 for WBAN = YOUR wide (wireless) body area network).

They did not offer a new technology. They digitally bound up the human electrical homeostasis, known as the biofield (formerly known as the aura), into a series of soft robotics, DNA-analyte biosensors and crafted libraries for database curation and labeling, sold them to Department of Defense vendor companies for years, and continue issuing software to anyone who wishes to utilize it for biological and electronic weaponry, on the same wireless systems as our cell phones. And they call it “Havanna Syndrome,” “Targeted Individuals,” or just call you crazy, tell you to take drugs and take your property and vocation by assassinating your character OR you – Arkancide style.

They get paychecks for doing all of this every day and until we- as individuals, start being accountable to our own body parts, there is no way to hold the other humans among us accountable. And their level of violence and hostility is escalating, not abating.”

(Sabrina Wallace)

“I do not have email, telegram, IMSG or a cell phone. I teach free classes,for extended situational awareness, harnessing the human body part, known as the human biofield. This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud, since 2005. IEEE is the International Standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineering. You will find your body on the web and commercially accessible via the same wireless working groups for all wireless devices. How did it happen? How can you gain access to the biosensors that are magnetically routing the data instead of your lunch in your red blood cells? (Folks, this one is for you and while it is not my A Game, I give myself a B and if you want me to include anything, please let me know. I am currently working on signs for the literal math from A to B, so people can understand energy harvesting.”

(Sabrina Wallace)

We are hearing claims like these and that there is harvesting of biofield energy that is sold for life extension. We should be demanding to have access to our information as Nodes on the Network and to know who has been accessing them and for what. We must not allow ourselves to be reduced to be exploited, abused animals.

We will be following up on this and posting further information.

Save the Planet. Save the Humans.

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