As a continuation of Node on the Network and Save the Planet – Save the Humans, we are updating the latest threats and looking to develop some more mitigations.
When the last virus came out and the emergency was declared, I had the distinct impression that the most powerful army deployed were God’s Angels. They have been all around us through all of this, their help there for the asking. Hear the Heavenly Orchestra of their vibrations. Feel the love and strength of their presence. Choose your connections. Let us connect with others to find some solutions.
The news is not good. Human beings, by their own goodness, have been caught unaware of the level of evil being perpetrated on them. I say this, from talking to people as they wake up. And as I have awakened myself. I do believe we will need help from whatever benevolent higher power you can connect with and ask. Now, would be a very good time.
The whistle blowers are out there and are trying to head this off at the pass. And I am going to be doing my best to support them. I am not going to wait for absolute proof of all that is being said, but will be forwarding what we can reasonably validate as I believe to be worth your consideration. Please forward the information as you can. This, and my former two posts have relevant content and we will putting other good links at the end of this post.
Mind you who Sabrina Wallace says is involved in this. Doctors, nurses, police, sheriffs and others providing us with “security”. You probably know some of them. It is suggested you send them some information on this that you find credible and ask them if our biofield is, in fact, being violated without our informed consent. Ask them what we could do to stop it, how you can protect yourself and your loved ones, your neighbors and other people you care about.
Ask. Just ask.
So here is the run down on the most imminent threat:
Sabrina Wallace comes out with the emergence of what was a Horror Sci-Fi Movie – Slaughterbots and the Kill Box. Happening Now. Understand now how it is a problem for this to be on a network that your body is a part of.

There are numerous YT up on how they work. One is following. You can guess what the Kill Box is. Sabrina is reporting these were made available to M-13 several months ago. There will be trouble, down at the border. Yes, if it comes your way, stay inside.
We suggest you watch Sabrina’s channel for updates:

Next, whistle blower Dr. Richard Bartlett contacts Alex Jones with what he knows about Ebola in Colorado. You will find posts on Twitter and at his website. Here is one link to his discussions:
Next, we have Sabrina Wallace, explaining how the health network can be used to spread the disease, using people as antennas to deliver it to the target. Yes, this is part of what you pay all those big healthcare premiums to support. Remember when the Affordable Care Act was first introduced, they tried to make microchip implant a requirement, but knew it would incite rebellion? It passed in 2010 without any such requirement. Maybe because they found a way around that problem.
So what will you do after seeing people bleeding to death from Ebola? Get the vaccine? With nano-technology to build more biosensors in your body? What should we do here? Hopefully, you will read the package insert before consenting to anything being put in your body, which includes your biofield.
Yes, let us ask those doctors, nurses, police, sheriffs and others providing us with “security”, what levels of surveillance and control are being used on us. How can we get access to our Node on the Network and prohibit access to us?
Now for mitigations:
Limit access to your body. These are the basics, discussed on this website. Get rid of all the wireless devices you can and manage the rest. Be mindful of other routes of exposure through wireline telecommunications and the grid electrical system. Shield, block, ground and earth.
Train up your biofield. This is what Sabrina Wallace is advocating. Cool stuff, actually, and beneficial to you. You may want to start with this TRAINING
Detox. Any heavy metal detox is likely beneficial, but probably limited in efficacy. Watch for Sabrina Wallace’s evaluation of a new product with laboratory results for efficacy. (Update – the zeolite product in question was found to be suspect and not recommended). I personally have used pectin, niacin flush, MSM and lots of good, filtered water (sometimes with a little backing soda for alkalinity), for a variety of toxins I have been exposed to during my life and otherwise have no expertise here.
Note: BEWARE OF C60. There are trusted truthers out there recommending this product and it can provide relief. However, this is Carbon 60, Fullerene, which is a spherical version of Graphene. It works by encapsulation and then, hopefully, discharging. However, you should verify that with documented studies from a trusted source. Likely it can be manipulated by the same systems that are violating our biofields and could be triggered to release what it has encapsulated.
Crystals – Some of these have long been touted as EMF mitigating. I will be looking into this myself to see if I can perceive some efficacy. I had a collection as a child, with my favorite Rose Quartz and will be revisiting memories of pleasant feelings. Let me see if I can tune up my biofield and get some feedback. In the meantime Hopegirl and Sabrina (in Training) have recommendations
Ions – There is a big problem with these energy technologies producing positive ions, mostly toxic. I expect this problem to get worse with the plans for the planet that I am hearing. I am not quite sure what role they play in this, but they are on the electrical ground. I noted a big increase in my house some time after the Big Blast that I think may have caused it. Negative ions are naturally produced by running water and with the weather control systems, we will not know what we will be getting. Otherwise they are produced with an ozone generator, which can be irritating, even though I find it helps with sleep. So far as I can tell, what is best is when the environment is balanced. Net zero or slightly negative. My recommendation at this time, is you get a small one for your home (Ionbox) to have handy, if you do not need one now. I have been using my home’s electrical ground to check the balance, but you will probably want to buy a meter to test the air. I will be updating my Three Things page on this with more specific information when I have it.
Rare Earth Magnets – Why is nobody talking about rare earth magnets here? What do you think one of these would do for those nano-circuits?

I got a collection of them for playing with “free” energy. When 4G Restless Leg Syndrome (that nobody knows the cause of, but they are sure it is not microwave radiation) hit me, running a rare earth magnet over the cramp, would frequently break it. Yea, my coping formula there was to temporarily stop the cramps with acupressure (beneath the nose), get the rare earth magnet on it and if that did not work it was magnesium lotion, then supplemental magnesium and potassium. Now it is 5G Stiff Person Syndrome (that nobody knows the cause of, but they are sure it is not microwave radiation) and a multitude of other mitigations. I would like these violations of my biofield to cease. Leave me alone.