Well, I guess you know by now, the High Speed Internet and Free Energy Story about the deployment of all these antennas and powered up Hell Towers was a crock of poo, that was found to be a predictable fail in 2021 and the Federal Communication Commission’s program based Human Exposure Guidelines for Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation (RF/MW) were remanded back to them by the Court in August 2021, leaving only the antiquated guidelines for when a large man starts to cook, in place.
The Free Energy they were apparently talking about is the xenobiotic waste energy, which is around 90% of the RF/MW and likely other EMF transmissions, that is not easily recovered. Yea, and maybe they expect you to absorb this and allow them to recover it from you. And maybe they are modifying DNA or augmenting people so that they can do that without becoming unable to work. Or maybe you will need to wear a copper coil. Or buy some wearables.
So, what is all this for, really?
In the end, I believe it will be for naught, but if you would like to survive this to find out, we have made our suggestions and will continue to cover the story. The Story of Mankind.

This latest part of the story is that all this is necessary so that the future may be predicted. Supposedly you will soon be able to get an app for your phone that predicts it our six days from now. The fourth dimension is TIME. So it would seem the inter-dimensional beings driving this could be humans? Or not. But it is the humans perpetrating this that would need to be held accountable here. Are there nefarious uses of these biometrics beyond monitoring?
But our Balderdash Meter is running over red with the smell of something foul. The Bait and Switch patterns of an industry that fails to meet goals at every generation and then gets richer and richer as the public gets poorer and sicker, has become too predictable. What are they really up to? We think the app will work as well as their high speed wireless internet and just keep making people sicker and poorer as they get richer.
What is a Biomedical Engineer? Sabrina Wallace is reporting there are about 500 humans running the mass control system and she describes who they are, how they are doing it and what they are doing to you. Here is a recent post where she gives the run down on how you have been tethered to the cloud. Yes, this could very well be why things have been going so badly for life on this planet.
Sabrina warns they are changing human beings against their will.
You should find out more here:

Sabrina Wallace is a survivor of DARPA N2 testing for human augmentation and ongoing electronic warfare https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f?view=about . She speaks of Tore Maras of Tori Says as being a survivor of AI hybrid programs. Sabrina has been whistle blowing for over a year now. We have spent some time listening to what she says. We suggest you give her a listen.
If you are skeptical, you can find out for yourself using a $30 Short Band Radio with a range that covers the Human Body Communications (HBC) Band of 5-50 MHz and a $15 Megaphone.
The Short Band Radio showed me some interesting things in my home. My wireline internet is humming at several frequencies of the HBC Band. Most disturbingly, my Monitor picked it up and put out a field that goes out to my face and head. I have been having quite a bit of problem with fry-eye even thought I have a special easy-eye monitor with a blue light filter on it as well as coating on my glasses. Lessemf.com suggests that the source of the problem is the router with EMR traveling the shielding of my Cat 7 Ethernet cable and offers a grounding cable that works for these cables. I put one on the connection to the laptop and finally got the field around the monitor to go down when I ran the insulated grounding cord back over the top of the monitor to the grounding plug.
Yes, the monitor is well named. It still gave off a huge field with several HBC band frequencies. I did get some further reduction by going into the Display Advanced Settings and reducing the frequency on the Refresh Rate.
Another appliance that picked up the HBC band was a promoted as a low EMF air cleaner. The problem seems to be an air sensor that was not essential to the operation of the unit. I missed the FCC labeling on it when I purchased it. It is now being advertised as “Smart” instead on Amazon (InvisiClean).
We have taken the Megaphone Test and could not find any place on our body where it made noise while held still. The test is shown here: https://www.targetedjustice.com/
If you believe you are the victim of targeting you can also sign up for to see if you are on the list.

Stay wired and grounded and get yourself protected, I suspect it is about to get wilder.
Our Next Post will be about Calling the Sheriff.