Let us bring forward, this from our post on Left Vs Right:
The definition of Quantum has recently been changed to allow for it’s use for all kinds of things – mostly not easily understood – and we have come to suspect it is a new marketing term. But it’s original definition is most well described as: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, and that is what a Photon is, that makes up the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G… that is being used to surveillance and control us so abusively. We should know more, more about the Photon and energy that runs the universe, and what we should be doing instead of what is being done.
Now, we finally have a detailed explanation of the new marketing term from Sabrina Wallace, where it is embedded in the following video at around 22 minutes. I will let her tell you about it as she does that so well.
Yea, it’s our biofield and our bodies – all just quantum fields – free stuff for predators. The disclosure of nefarious activities continues. Obnoxious weffers making references to humans as hacked animals, were only telling you what happened to you some time ago. Who changed us so that this could be done to us? Dehumanized us? Who is getting rich selling the life from you? Did anybody vote for this?
The biofield is apparently now referred to as a quantum field, a morphogenetic field, a torsion field and a colloidial field by those who have other uses for it than you do.
Do you think it is time yet to find out more? The video above is full of links and references. You may still be able to find Sabrina’s original post on her channel https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f and a whole lot more links and posts.
I think the Sheriff has heard the call. But please do not stop telling all doctors, nurses, police, more sheriffs and whatever biomedical engineers that you know, that it is not some quantum balderdash that is being used to power their surveillance and control system, it is your biofield and your body. Did you consent?