Health, Life and Property WTF Permit Application

Update to PBC School Wi-Fi Mesh Network Deployment in Your Neighborhoods

These may be placed in the Right-Of-Way by your home.

Update 10/26/2024 Regarding Boynton Beach Permits for Wi-Fi Mesh Network Deployment:

Records Request R044874-071924 of 7/19/2024 for the permits for the poles currently being deployed has been answered with a blanket permit for 144 poles to be permitted. Only 93 plans were provided and I have made a complaint about the permit. Residents can make public records requests for their permits here: . If you make the request on line, you may need to setup an account, but that would likely be most expeditious. You can also call the clerk 561-742-6060, email or go to City Hall.

Residents with poles installed or on the list to have poles installed should make a records request for: The permit application file, permit and plans for the wooden pole with the solar energy and wireless telecommunications equipment (to be) installed in/by the right-of-way of the property at [address]. It should go to the Engineering (Public Works) Department and you should accept them as Electronic if you want to save time and expense.

If you have a pole that was deployed in 2022, you can make the same request. The approved permit they provided to me for that deployment was not signed by the permittee. The permit application signed by a permittee that they provided to me was a single permit application.

The requirements for right-of-way permits can be found in the City Ordinances. . The section pertaining to Application Requirements is shown in this PDF

I have been reporting wireless telecommunication permit defects to the City of Boynton Beach since 2020. They have remained unresponsive to correcting them and have not updated their ordinances since 2017 while the technology and the laws have changed dramatically. As a result, the City may be assuming the liability for these wireless telecommunications facilities. Gee, how could that be happening?

End Update of 8/24/2024 ———–

Promoted in 2021 as simple radios placed 1,600 feet apart that produced free high speed internet, objections were made to deployments over the Federal Communications Commissions failure to establish adequate Human Exposure Guidelines for Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation. Questions were also raised about the environmental impact and delivery of actual high speed internet. Those questions have only grown more significant over time and more questions have emerged about Cyber Security. If you have one of these poles deployed by your house or in your neighborhood, you have grounds for objections.

You can find a general information bulletin regarding these matters here:

The City of Boynton Beach has made their records available for approximately 90 Wi-Fi repeater poles they are deploying. The right-of-way locations and list of addresses (with links) for these poles can be found here: Records requests also showed a previous deployment for 23 pole in the area. Pole spacings throughout the area are much more dense than proposed and will debase much more property. Where will it end?

We have previously requested that our students who are in need of connection to the internet be provided with safe and secure fiber to the premises (FTTP), which is the future of secure and speedy telecommunication, instead of sub-standard wireless connections, to close the digital divide. Palm Beach County already has ubiquitous exposures of radio-frequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation, much of which is already excessive, and the mesh network would add considerably to the problem. See our post:

Where are the Speed Checks for what is delivered to Students?

The Federal Communication Commission has failed to respond to the remand of the Court to establish Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation Human Exposure Guidelines for the Wi-Fi technology being deployed. They have gotten the results of additional studies they have commissioned and have announced they will do no more. See our post for the latest

Many former advocates of Wi-Fi in the schools have changed their positions after seeing the results of it and in review of the what is known about the health effect and environmental impacts of the current technology. The Children’s Health Defense is building the case for removal.

There are also emerging issues with disclosure, accountability and Cyber Security with the use of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) which incorporates the human body (your body) into the cloud network. We must demand assurance that this mesh network does not violate our body autonomy through the cloud. You can step back through the posts of this blog to find out more about these issues. These MUST be addressed to protect the future of our students and our communities.

What You Can Do

Besides the environmental, health and Cyber Security problems with wireless installations, the impact on your property value is referenced by the Environmental Heath Trust here: . It is approximately 20% (15% – 30%). Speak up to defend your home values.

Do not let them marginalize the power on the pole. Harm can be done through VLE (Very Low Energy) Networks you can find out about here: Get the permit and the specifications for what they are installing. What has been proposed in the past can be found in the Do Not Consent post linked above.

The current deployments in Boynton Beach looks like the pole spacing is more like 600 feet than 1,600 feet. That would mean they need seven (7) times the number of poles than were originally proposed.

The first thing we recommend you can do is to find out where they have permitted the Wi-Fi Poles in your neighborhood. These should be on file with your municipal or the county building department or utility who manages the Right-Of-Way permitting. They may also have a Building Department permit. If your ROW is managed by the County or you are in unincorporated Palm Beach County, you can find them through their website. How to find the PBC ROW permits is described here: . It is possible to have a ROW permit with the County and a Building Permit with a municipality for such installations.

If you need to make a records request to your municipality, you can make that request to receive them electronically or to go in and and see them (bring your camera), to expedite the process.

Contact you Municipal Government and County Commissioner with your reasons for objecting to the Mesh Network. Commissioner Gregg Weiss is also a good contact for these matters.

Contact the School Program and make sure our students are getting all the information about what is being deployed.

If you want to hire an attorney, consider Andrew Campanelli and

The Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust also have resources and access to the documentation on file with the court, of proof of harm from the very same wi-fi technologies that are being deployed by this mesh network.

Do Not Consent.

WTF Permit Application

Quantum Balderdash

Let us bring forward, this from our post on Left Vs Right:

The definition of Quantum has recently been changed to allow for it’s use for all kinds of things – mostly not easily understood – and we have come to suspect it is a new marketing term. But it’s original definition is most well described as: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, and that is what a Photon is, that makes up the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G… that is being used to surveillance and control us so abusively. We should know more, more about the Photon and energy that runs the universe, and what we should be doing instead of what is being done.

Now, we finally have a detailed explanation of the new marketing term from Sabrina Wallace, where it is embedded in the following video at around 22 minutes. I will let her tell you about it as she does that so well.

Yea, it’s our biofield and our bodies – all just quantum fields – free stuff for predators. The disclosure of nefarious activities continues. Obnoxious weffers making references to humans as hacked animals, were only telling you what happened to you some time ago. Who changed us so that this could be done to us? Dehumanized us? Who is getting rich selling the life from you? Did anybody vote for this?

The biofield is apparently now referred to as a quantum field, a morphogenetic field, a torsion field and a colloidial field by those who have other uses for it than you do.

Do you think it is time yet to find out more? The video above is full of links and references. You may still be able to find Sabrina’s original post on her channel and a whole lot more links and posts.

I think the Sheriff has heard the call. But please do not stop telling all doctors, nurses, police, more sheriffs and whatever biomedical engineers that you know, that it is not some quantum balderdash that is being used to power their surveillance and control system, it is your biofield and your body. Did you consent?

Big Brother, we don’t Love you no more.
Health, Life and Property WTF Permit Application

Diamond’s Killer Was In Plain Sight

If you cannot appreciate these ladies – you have lost all perspective of the world.

We have lost our bright, beautiful and bold Diamond. Now Silk stands strong and tells her story. And in that story is a terrible possibility of who the Killer was.

As soon as Diamond hung up the PHONE, she said to me, ” I can’t breathe…

We know there is talk of the bug and the vax playing a part and we will not get so much into that here, but make our case for Murder by Phone.

We are told the Cause of Diamond’s Death is heart disease from chronic high blood pressure. But we have seen too much to much to let it stop there. We would tell you but you would likely not believe it so we suggest you get an EMF meter that measures your phone microwave range and have a look for yourself. While data downloads are the most brutal where you can see radiation like you would only otherwise only expect to experience while climbing a cell tower, you will also see blasts when the call connects and when it ends. And whatever your phone may put out, you get what you get from the Hell Towers. They send you what they want.

Yes, Diamond had a heart condition and would be very susceptible to harm from those blasts to her phone. They are not publishing any experimentation done on humans that I could find but some experimentation on the heats of rats is readily available. But what is more well known, is the effect that radio-frequency/microwave radiation has on the blood. And then again, today’s exposures are so high, some can feel it and know these effects are too real.

Not convinced? Suppose the Phone was not acting alone, but conspired with a Human Assassin to murder Diamond? Understand your phone is not your friend, but is your microchip by which you are identified, located and tracked. So maybe it was a random blast from her Phone that stopped her compromised heart. Or maybe it was a direct energy weapon that was aimed at her location. I ask you, where was her Phone when she died? Was she wearing it on her person? Or was it nearby?

Not convinced yet? You still think it may have been the bug or the vax? Well, how about all three? Here is how they are tied:

Adopted November 27, 2019, FCC 19-126 were the Federeal Communications Commission (FCC) rule changes for Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation that expanded the outdated guidelines over the range of 5G technologies and frequencies.

December 2019 is when Covid started expanding all over the world.

While we were locked down in 2020 and 2021 a massive deployment of 5G wireless telecommunications facilities took place all over the earth and in the sky.

On August 13, 2021 the Ninth District Court of Appeals determined that the FCC Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation were inadequate, not based on science, and remanded FCC 19-126 back to the FCC. They have not yet replied. On file with the court in this case are 11,000 pages of proof of harm, harm to children, to the unborn, harm to DNA.

Yes, it is Murder most foul. Your Phone is not your Friend.

Although Silk says Diamond “hung up” the phone, we will assume it was not a land line and that Diamond tapped her cell phone to end her call. If it is not so, that makes our case more difficult. So if you know, leave us a comment and we will reconsider our story.

WTF Permit Application

Ban Assault Weapons

Yes, this is a video on Stranger Than Fiction News and there are likely many of these in your neighborhoods. These are “small” cells that were supposed to have been less than 60 watts of effective radiated power. But your elected officials did not legislate them that way and local officials failed to write the protective ordinances to prevent installations of them as high powered small antennas installed by our homes and next to us on the streets. They can typically put out 10,000 watts of effective radiated power or more, up to levels of a macro cell tower.

MILLIONS TO BILLIONS – Ban Assault Weapons.

See Our Posts on “Small” Cell Towers

WTF Permit Application

OTARD – Dear Neighbor…

After a big win with the FCC, The Children’s Health Defense is hot on the case of OTARD but right now one could appear in your neighbors yard. And any one of them can basically set up a 60 GHz broadcasting station. You have one defense, and you need to let your neighbor know you will do it. Hopefully, before any damage is done.

Find out more about commingled services and let them know you will sue them for every dime they have, if they do it.

If you see one of these – get a lawyer before you need a doctor.

Find out more:

WTF Permit Application

Palm Beach County Wi-Fi In Your Home 24/7 – Did You Consent?

2020 Do Not Consent

It is just 158 milli-watts, what could go wrong?

Small cell towers were supposed to be under 60 watts of Effective Radiated Power (ERP). Now they sit by our homes and by us on the streets with 200 amp FPL meters on them for their 100 amp electrical services and antennas for broadcasting around 20,000 watts. And the worst part is that for all this harm, wireless 5G has simply failed to deliver.

Now you may have heard that the new wi-fi mesh network is not that awful 5G and it operates at 158 milli-watts. What you need to know is that is the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of one antenna. It is the lowest power antenna in the network and it is one of three antennas on the TP-Link RE450 Wi-fi extender (that is 5th generation wireless wi-fi technology, Wi-Fi 5). The total output of the extender is 750 milli-watts or 0.75 watts. We have been told they are planning to deploy 105,000 of these devices.

But don’t stop there, because the network does not. FPL has donated 1,000 poles and we take that to be for the repeaters for the 25,000 students mentioned in the Newsletter. Eventually we estimate there will be approximately 4,000 repeater poles installed in the right-of-ways of residents homes that will have solar powered repeaters on them. They each have three antennas, too and they output 3 watts EIRP.

But don’t stop there, because the best is the FCC limit busting root radios that are actually designed as transmission line bridges known as point-to-point (P2P) radios. They will be installed on poles at the schools along with Emergency Management System broadcasting equipment. We cannot say about the EMS equipment, even though we wonder why they are not using fast, safe, secure fiber optics. But there will be approximately 300 Wi-fi mesh network root radios. They can probably put out about 25 watts EIRP each, although the FCC limit is probably 4 (maybe 8) watts EIRP. Who has consented for our schools to become radio broadcasting systems?

Now you can do the math and guess we have a wi-fi mesh network system that is almost 100,000 watts EIRP.

We really get a warm, fuzzy feeling when we read what the SDPBC Newsletter says about the FCC compliance of their Wi-Fi 5 mesh network here:

The WiFi Mesh Network is not 5G technology. It is a simple radio that connects broadband service to residences using WiFi extenders. All the equipment utilized for this project complies with all applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines.

This is particularly troublesome due to a recent court ruling. The U.S. Federal Court ruled on Friday, August 13, 2021, that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) must explain why it ignored science showing harm from wireless radiation. The refusal by the FCC to set standards pertains to all wireless technology and now calls the safety of Palm Beach County’s WiFi Mesh project into question. 

Also, Verizon says this about wi-fi: Wi-Fi is basically just another frequency of radio we use to wirelessly connect devices.

What the FCC has are rules about the unlicensed band that is being used here for this network. Using a P2P radio at full power in a P2MP application like this could result in fines and penalties for operation without a license. So we are wondering if the School District will respond to our request for the power output records for the P2P radios they have installed at our schools. This system collects quite a bit of performance data and reports it to the cloud where is should be available as public information.

What else could go wrong?

Remember those small cells that went from 60 watts to 20,000 watts and still did not deliver? Like your home wi-fi system that used to run at mili-watt levels and is now frying you at probably 8 watts EIRP because that is the FCC limit for a dual band router. Like the swamp of towers, small cells and antennas everywhere that are just not delivering high speed internet. THEY WILL POWER IT UP TO THE MAX.

The FCC limit for the power of the number of devices in the SDPBC Wi-Fi Network is around 900,000 watts EIRP.

And they WILL do it. And it still will not deliver high speed internet.

So, let’s talk about the speed check. High speed internet is supposed to have an upload and download speed of 100 Mbps. Anybody out there who has one of these TP-Link extenders in their home connected to this network and can run a speed check, please post it here. Reports on the performance of the extender that we can find, say it can’t bust 50 Mbps, even when it is in the same room with the router.

WTF Permit Application

High Speed For Me, But NOT For Thee

Palm Beach County partners with the School Board to provide low income students with low budget wi-fi. Let’s talk about Speed Checks.
You bet he has has Fiber To The Premises (FTTP) and at least 1,000 Mbps. Can the Student Wi-Fi even achieve 100 Mbps? Let’s talk about Speed Checks.

While the Town of Palm Beach enjoys their fast, safe Fiber To The Premises (FTTP) broadband under exception from the imposition of wireless broadcasts everywhere, our students will be given access through this wi-fi extender:

TP-Link RE450, the Latest Generation of Wi-Fi. Let’s talk about the speed check. Can the mesh network achieve upload and download speeds of 100 Mbps, or is it maybe more like 50 Mbps or maybe less?

Big Telecom made Big Promises of 5G speeds 25X 4G speeds, that would compete with FTTP speeds of 1,000 Mbps. Guess what happened for all those $ and radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) exposures orders of magnitude higher? A whopping 2.7 X for 50 Mbps. And THAT is what you get with wireless.

Read the letter to the FCC about what is being deployed on the people of Palm Beach County: FCC Letter

We think the good people of Palm Beach County should ask the following questions about this wi-fi deployment:

  • How many eligible students actually have no home access to the internet?
  • What are the average and minimum upload and download speeds delivered to the student’s laptop or tablet?
  • How many residences will have elevated radiofrequency/microwave radiation as a result of the deployment and what are the possible health effects?
  • What is the total property value of the residences where the poles will be installed in the right-of-ways and how much will of the tax base will be lost with a 20% drop in those values?
  • Has there been a hurricane wind-load analysis done of the pole and the attachments? Who owns the liability?
  • How much interference does this deployment cause with existing wi-fi and cellular systems?
  • How much high frequency noise do the root radios, repeaters and extenders cause on the electrical grid? 

Oh! But it is so much less expensive than FTTP? We do not think so. Utility Subsidies have been misappropriated from FTTP to wireless systems for decades. Wireless is actually more expensive and way less efficient than FTTP. You can find out more about crossed subsidies from the Irregulators at . Just do not let anyone tell you there is not enough money for fast, safe and secure connections.

WTF Permit Application

What’s In Your Right-Of-Way?

Since Florida has been turned into a 5G State, laws were made to expedite telecom deployments into your Right-of-Way. It has become the Telecom Wild West as the people who were supposed to represent their electorate did not. If your local authorities tell you they cannot stop the irresponsible placement of these things by your home, know that it is simply because they have not updated your ordinances to do so. See our post

These may be placed in municipal, county, state or federal right-of-ways (ROW) depending on who manages the roadway. In Palm Beach County, many roads, even in municipalities, are managed by Palm Beach County. And these have been very hard to find. Some may have associated building or electrical permits. Now you can watch some of your roadways to see what might be coming your way.

Palm Beach County now brings you public access to many of these permits. The link can be found here listed under Useful Links as Public Access to Right of Way Permit. Try this direct link

To find the permit, zoom in on the street and you will see some numbers, most starting with UT. Click on it to bring up a link to the permits themselves. If the permit itself is not listed, it is because it has not yet been issued and you will need to contact Land Development directly for the permit application. We appreciate the transparency.

If you do not find anything on the road, it is next most likely under the control of the municipality and you would contact the department that manages ROW permits. State Road ROW are managed by the FDOT and they have public access to identify the permit, but not access to the permit itself. Try this search: You will need to contact the FDOT District Office to get the permit.

WTF Permit Application

Palm Beach County Social Injustice for Students

Access for all. Just not the same access. While Palm Beach enjoys exclusion from 5G wireless as they run fiber to the buildings, our low-income families and their neighbors will have toxic wireless wi-fi broadcasts into their homes 24/7. Let us say, the home units are bad enough in terms of exposure, but at least you can turn them off at night to sleep. There will be no such luxury for low income students. They are going to be “included” 24/7. Now low income students will be low sleep students, too. And so will all their neighbors.

If you have ever searched for a wi-fi network from your home, you would notice how many networks are there, all contributing toward your Radio Frequency (RF) radiation exposure and all causing INTERFERENCE. Most units people get from their Internet Service Provider (ISP) are for their broadcasting benefit and are overpowered for a medium to small home. The ISP serves the ISP and few know what to do about it. See our Three Things page for ideas. When these wi-fi systems do not work, it is usually not for a lack of power, but that someone nearby is broadcasting on a similar channel and causing interference. The solution is to change your channel to a clear one, if you can find it. Unfortunately, many are powering up, creating ever more problems as the entire wireless technology interferes with itself.

Now you will have a new ISP, the SDPBC who will take whatever channel they want and power it up as needed. The unlicensed bands are supposed to be free of such intrusion and many are watching to see if they will get away with it. We are watching, too, as we pray for the children who must lay-me-down-to-sleep in fields of RF radiation.

And what is the rational for this kind of “inclusion”? It can be done with only 10,000 devices? There are said to be 105,000 students that need access. Or is it 25,000? We hear conflicting things. Let us find a way to get our students what they need that does not involve RF exposures that disturb their sleep, effect their health and bring them down.

We know that there are utilities subsidies that have been paid for fiber-optic broadband that have been misappropriated into wireless networks for decades, amounting to near a trillion dollars. We know the funding is there.

Do you think a County with a population of 1,500,000 people could find the money for 25,000 safe and secure internet connections?

I hope the people of Palm Beach County will fight for every student to have a safe and secure wireline connection to the internet under their control, to learn, grow and prosper. We must teach our children to manage their technology wisely so that it does not steal their bright futures from them. There is too much harm already and SDPBC must do the right thing here for our low-income students and families. SAFE TECH Internet for all!

WTF Permit Application

Trees Have No Choice

Palm Tree Dying WPB
February 2020 – Tree in path of microwave antennas
June 2021 – Tree in path of microwave antennas, now surrounded.

So, what could be have done this, to this poor tree? Initially, what we found using our meter, that there were undocumented antennas on this building, about 1,500 feet of horizontal distance away, but on vertical elevation with the antennas, with nothing to block it.

Antennas on Building at 400 South Australian Avenue in West Palm Beach, Florida
Antenna burning Palm
Horizontal Location of Antennas Burning Palm Tree – Approximately 1,500 feet.
Antennas Burning Palm
Vertical Location of Antennas Burning Palm Tree – On Elevation
Note: Palm Picture taken at 45 degree angle from North.

The area is now saturated with antennas from continued deployments, as the building at the end of the road in the picture above is a Tri-Rail Station. Enter the address 150 Clearwater Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida in and see what you get.

This poor palm in the path of microwave antennas had no choice but to endure the onslaught. YOU have choices and we suggest it is now time to take action. It is the women who know by now that the ever increasing levels of microwave radiation for surveillance and control being placed on us is killing us. Historically reporting 75% of the adverse health effects it is not know if women are more susceptible or just more aware. It becomes particularly more obvious with age so listen to the wise old women. It is the women who know by now it is time to fight or die. You may choose to run for a bit but there is intended to be no place to hide. Not even the deepest bunker, for the very ground will be electrified.

But what to do? Will there be a Joan of Arc event with her slaying antennas, mounted on a noble steed? We think not. It is all described on our Three Things page what you should do to be most likely to survive this. We suggest you start now.

We have noticed that Dr. Charlie Ward is having trouble making eye contact in his videos with his Insiders Club. Yet he still tells them that Elon Musk is no longer a sociopath and that Starlink QFS is the solution for benevolent mass population control system. I guess he hoping you have not noticed that that the low earth orbit satellites they have been launching are causing mass pain and illness and destroying the planet.

Recognize the power that is yours and use it wisely.