Health, Life and Property

Real Intelligence

Through the recent rollouts of anti-human programs that we have been experiencing at accelerated rates these past few years, what is posed as the most existential threat to mankind? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Really? Faster and more powerful, it is set up and geared up to overwhelm you. But understand this: It all goes back to binary. 0/1, on/off, yes/no, true/false and is programmed from there. What they are after is total control of your wealth, your freedom and your soul. Such a system could not be implemented through informed consent so there will be a barrage of manipulation towards achieving this goal. Our only problem is to avoid being collateral damage of this bad programming and not let it consume us before it eats itself and moves on the the next victims or ends as it should, in nothingness that is more than it is.

So what is in our toolbox for defense? You are designed for and capable of REAL INTELLIGENCE. You have critical thinking skills that are most helpful. So I would ask your this: What is the contradiction between what the Physics Detective says about the photon and the slide from Dr. Deva Davis’ presentation on the our previous post,

Slide from Dr. Devra Davis Presentation – 5G, Wireless Radiation and Health: A Scientific and Policy Update

We would say it is a glaring experimental faux pas as the Detective states that the amplitude of the photon is a constant. But note that the Detective is talking about is the photon and Dr. Davis is talking about the RF/MW radiation signal. Anytime someone is talking about the amplitude as a characteristic of RF/MW radiation, they are not likely talking about the non-ionizing photon, they are talking about how they are organized into a signal.

What we are being exposed to are not just photons of non-ionizing energy levels. These are signals of power and pulsation with amplitudes and frequencies that are not that of the photons they are made from. How is it used on us? Tesla told us. It is all about energy, vibration and frequency. The Alchemy Webinar diagram below uses speech as an example of how vibrations and frequencies control. But this is much more broadly applicable. (edited)

Yes, they have rolled out a system of electromagnetic control telling fairly tales about the energy level of a single photon. And now comes this bad programming they are calling intelligence (no doubt programming by micro-managers who would be better off spending their time devising ways to control themselves so they are not destructive bottomless pits of greed).

If you are feeling fear and discomfort over these ideas, I urge you to take a deep breath and read on a little more and find out more about those feelings. The reason we are all being mass manipulated into fear is that is is a frequency very easy to control. If you can embrace it and morph it into something higher, you will likely find much better solutions to all difficulties before you.

What I like to do to scary information is to Farage it. Now, I am going to perhaps highly paraphrase something said in 2010 to EU’s Van Rompuy, as I can no longer find what I remember hearing, on the internet. This is the spirit of Brexit. Yes, I know your are dangerous and I know your are powerful, but what I really want to know is: Who ARE you and how do we get rid of you?

You must get out of the fear and into love to fully embrace the totally wonderful electromagnetic being you are. Pick your frequency and own it. Reject the thoughts and feelings that may not even be your own. Choose. Make it your choice and challenge your own mind to be sure it is that. They higher your frequency, the less susceptible you will be to control.

When I had my wake-up call and detoxed from harmful EMF I experienced something very similar to when I stopped drinking alcohol. My choice then and now is based on the same improvement in mental clarity, but also with mitigation of EMF was a huge improvement in my failing physical health. The glaring realities of the world could easily send one back into hiding or screaming down the roadway. But we are at a point where there is no place left to hide and so I urge you to go forward.

If you are struggling or having difficulties as many are, get out of the downward spiral by getting control of your electronic devices and your electromagnetic exposures. As you do that you will feel better and have more energy and focus to spiral on up. Take inventory of the thoughts and feelings you have. Which ones do you choose? Are they really even your own?

I felt abject terror as I became aware of what has been happening to us and the bad mistake I made being in the fog for too long. Fight or Flight was no longer a question as it was already apparent there would be no place to hide. So I stayed in the belly of the beast and have been trying to shelter in place. I no longer wonder when they will come for me. They are here. We have the whole zoo in play, sheep, chickens without heads, wolves and jackals, all on the rampage as the stampede reaches the cliff. They have yet to find our which animal I am. In all this play, I have reached the conclusion that electromagnetic forces are already being used for targeted as well as mass mind control. It is not something new but has been expanding. Who ever believed it was all about high speed internet? This is the true existential threat to mankind. Much of it is under your control. Use your power wisely.

There are many good websites up already on the subject of humans as electromagnetic beings so we will not elaborate too much further. Let us just say it goes way beyond the laws of vibrational attraction.

Get wired and grounded, my friends.

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