It has been over two years since the Environmental Health Trust and the Children’s Health Defense presented approximately 14,000 pages of proof of harm from radio-frequency microwave radiation to the court and the Federal Communications Commission had their Human Exposure Guidelines for radio-frequency microwave radiation, that were the basis for 5G deployments, remanded back to them as they were not properly based on science. See our post where Dr. Devra Davis was on Prime Time telling people about the evidence where their DNA is being destroyed. H E L L O !
And yet, Big Telecom is still being allowed to loot public utility subsidies to roll it out and people are still buying it. What could this be going on? How could it be that such a highly intelligent and qualified person cannot convince the public that their phone and their wireless devices are not their friends and are not smart?
Oh, yea, that harmless non-ionizing radiation fairy tale about the energy of a single photon. You have to know by now, that there is something else happening here. Birds, bees, trees, you and me are all massively harmed as our planet has gone toxic. Watch the news and wonder how the fires are started as we are burned.
After I had my wake-up call in 2019, I found there was a lot of obscured science behind beliefs about the safety of RF/MW radiation. Being an engineer and a scientist myself, I took a different approach to deciding if harm to DNA is being done. The experiment to look at is how to ionize substances using RF/MW radiation. There were several of these available, but the most all encompassing is this:
Microwave Ionization of Hydrogen Atoms
Dima Shepelyansky (2012), Scholarpedia, 7(1):9795.doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.9795revision #184867 [link to/cite this article]
Microwave ionization of hydrogen atoms is a process of electron ionization of excited hydrogen atoms by an electromagnetic microwave field when tens or hundreds of photons are required to ionize one electron. Even if a microwave field is relatively weak this multiphoton ionization is much more efficient than a direct one-photon ionization at high photon energies (see Fig.1). Such a rapid ionization happens due to a diffusive growth of electron energy generated by dynamical chaos in the classical system. Quantum effects can suppress this diffusion with emergence of photonic localization which is similar to the Anderson localization in disordered solid state systems. The diffusive photoeffect was first observed in experiments of Bayfield and Koch (1974) [1], which happened to be first experiments performed in a regime of quantum chaos. The quantum effects of photonic localization were first observed by the group of Koch (1988) [2].
Hydrogen is one of the elements that makes up your DNA.
I never read through the tens of thousands of studies on the subject of harm from RF/MW radiation. After your have become the data, it is easy enough to recognize what you are experiencing in review of the most well know studies. But just what kind of crime against humanity, life and property that this really is, comes down to how it effects DNA.
In this first article they discuss fields. And it is noted there, “ Ionization of chaotic Rydberg atoms: A hydrogen atom is an integrable system and a microwave field should be relatively strong to induce chaotic diffusive ionization. However, it is possible to have atoms which are chaotic in absence of microwave field: it can be hydrogen or Rydberg atoms in a magnetic field, or Rydberg atoms in a static electric field.“ So now, what about all those other magnetic and electrical fields all around us and in our homes? What is happening there? If you are under the influence of other electromagnetic fields you become more susceptible.
So, lets see how you ionize with microwave radiation. So far we have referenced fields, but what happens when you use multi-photon techniques? This is best described in the abstract of one of the articles referenced under note 31. It should be noticed that the frequencies in the following are similar to those used by Starlink
Connecting field ionization to photoionization via 17- and 36-GHz microwave fields.
J. H. Gurian, K. R. Overstreet, H. Maeda, and T. F. Gallagher
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043415 – Published 15 October 2010
Here we present experimental results connecting field ionization to photoionization in Li Rydberg atoms obtained with 17- and 36-GHz microwave fields. At a low principal quantum number n, where the microwave frequency ω is much lower than the classical, or Kepler frequency, ωK=1/n3, microwave ionization occurs by field ionization, at E=1/9n4. When the microwave frequency exceeds the Kepler frequency, ω>1/n3, the field required for ionization is independent of n and given by E=2.4ω5/3, in agreement with dynamic localization models, which cross over to a Fermi’s Golden Rule approach at the photoionization limit. A surprising aspect of our results is that when ω≈1/2n2, the one- and multiphoton ionization rates are similar, and even at the lowest microwave powers, all are 10 times lower than the perturbation theory rate calculated for single-photon ionization. Further, we show that when the Rydberg atoms are excited in the presence of the microwave field, the probability of an atom’s being bound at the end of the microwave pulse passes smoothly across the limit. This microwave stimulated recombination to bound Rydberg states can be well described by a simple classical model. More generally, these results suggest that the problem of a Rydberg atom coupled to a high-frequency microwave field is similar to the problem of interchannel internal coupling in multilimit atoms, a problem well described by quantum defect theory.
Uh Oh! the probability of an atom’s being bound at the end of the microwave pulse passes smoothly across the limit. Microwave pulses.
Ah! Rydberg! And the quantum defect theory. Yes, the one photon fairy tail is based on that quantum theory that has defects. These defects include the characteristics of hydrogen that makes up your DNA. And Chromium that is a whole other reason why we should not be living in RF/MW radiation. The above reference uses Lithium. Yes, another Rydberg, part of that defect theory. All have major roles in human physiology.
Hydrogen is part of your DNA. Lithium is involved in brain function. Chromium is prevalent throughout the environment. In the lowest energy state Chromium exists as Cr 3+, an essential nutrient in blood sugar metabolism and then there is the slightly higher energy state, Cr 6+, which is a carcinogen. These are all considered Rydberg atoms.
Powering people up with electromagnetic fields and RF/MW radiation and then hitting them with pulses of high powered RF/MW radiation is a formula for DNA damage, neurological dysfunction and diabetes and cancer. All documented and in plain sight for quite some time now.
This is why I keep telling anyone who will listen, to get control of their wireless devices, turn them off as much as possible and to get wired and grounded. And I ask you to do so again, my friends.