Update 10/26/2024 Regarding Boynton Beach Permits for Wi-Fi Mesh Network Deployment:
Records Request R044874-071924 of 7/19/2024 for the permits for the poles currently being deployed has been answered with a blanket permit for 144 poles to be permitted. Only 93 plans were provided and I have made a complaint about the permit. Residents can make public records requests for their permits here: https://www.boynton-beach.org/212/Public-Records . If you make the request on line, you may need to setup an account, but that would likely be most expeditious. You can also call the clerk 561-742-6060, email cityclerk@bbfl.us or go to City Hall.
Residents with poles installed or on the list to have poles installed should make a records request for: The permit application file, permit and plans for the wooden pole with the solar energy and wireless telecommunications equipment (to be) installed in/by the right-of-way of the property at [address]. It should go to the Engineering (Public Works) Department and you should accept them as Electronic if you want to save time and expense.
If you have a pole that was deployed in 2022, you can make the same request. The approved permit they provided to me for that deployment was not signed by the permittee. The permit application signed by a permittee that they provided to me was a single permit application.
The requirements for right-of-way permits can be found in the City Ordinances. https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/boyntonbeach/latest/boyntonbeach_fl/0-0-0-53887 . The section pertaining to Application Requirements is shown in this PDF https://reject5g.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Ordinances.pdf
I have been reporting wireless telecommunication permit defects to the City of Boynton Beach since 2020. They have remained unresponsive to correcting them and have not updated their ordinances since 2017 while the technology and the laws have changed dramatically. As a result, the City may be assuming the liability for these wireless telecommunications facilities. Gee, how could that be happening?
End Update of 8/24/2024 ———–
Promoted in 2021 as simple radios placed 1,600 feet apart that produced free high speed internet, objections were made to deployments over the Federal Communications Commissions failure to establish adequate Human Exposure Guidelines for Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation. Questions were also raised about the environmental impact and delivery of actual high speed internet. Those questions have only grown more significant over time and more questions have emerged about Cyber Security. If you have one of these poles deployed by your house or in your neighborhood, you have grounds for objections.
You can find a general information bulletin regarding these matters here: https://reject5g.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Flyer-Rev1.pdf
The City of Boynton Beach has made their records available for approximately 90 Wi-Fi repeater poles they are deploying. The right-of-way locations and list of addresses (with links) for these poles can be found here: https://reject5g.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Pole-Detailed-List-R5.pdf Records requests also showed a previous deployment for 23 pole in the area. https://reject5g.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/September-2022-Boynton-Beach-Deployment-of-23-SDPBC-Poles.pdf. Pole spacings throughout the area are much more dense than proposed and will debase much more property. Where will it end?
We have previously requested that our students who are in need of connection to the internet be provided with safe and secure fiber to the premises (FTTP), which is the future of secure and speedy telecommunication, instead of sub-standard wireless connections, to close the digital divide. Palm Beach County already has ubiquitous exposures of radio-frequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation, much of which is already excessive, and the mesh network would add considerably to the problem. See our post: https://reject5g.info/2021/08/06/sdpbc-wi-fi-mesh-network-do-not-consent/
Where are the Speed Checks for what is delivered to Students?
The Federal Communication Commission has failed to respond to the remand of the Court to establish Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation Human Exposure Guidelines for the Wi-Fi technology being deployed. They have gotten the results of additional studies they have commissioned and have announced they will do no more. See our post for the latest https://reject5g.info/2024/04/14/balderdash-balderdash-and-more-baldersash/
Many former advocates of Wi-Fi in the schools have changed their positions after seeing the results of it and in review of the what is known about the health effect and environmental impacts of the current technology. The Children’s Health Defense is building the case for removal. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-seeking-plaintiffs-wifi-cell-towers-schools-neighborhoods/
There are also emerging issues with disclosure, accountability and Cyber Security with the use of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) which incorporates the human body (your body) into the cloud network. We must demand assurance that this mesh network does not violate our body autonomy through the cloud. You can step back through the posts of this blog to find out more about these issues. These MUST be addressed to protect the future of our students and our communities.
What You Can Do
Besides the environmental, health and Cyber Security problems with wireless installations, the impact on your property value is referenced by the Environmental Heath Trust here: https://ehtrust.org/cell-phone-towers-lower-property-values-documentation-research/ . It is approximately 20% (15% – 30%). Speak up to defend your home values.
Do not let them marginalize the power on the pole. Harm can be done through VLE (Very Low Energy) Networks you can find out about here: https://reject5g.info/2024/05/25/your-phone-is-not-your-friend-2/. Get the permit and the specifications for what they are installing. What has been proposed in the past can be found in the Do Not Consent post linked above.
The current deployments in Boynton Beach looks like the pole spacing is more like 600 feet than 1,600 feet. That would mean they need seven (7) times the number of poles than were originally proposed.
The first thing we recommend you can do is to find out where they have permitted the Wi-Fi Poles in your neighborhood. These should be on file with your municipal or the county building department or utility who manages the Right-Of-Way permitting. They may also have a Building Department permit. If your ROW is managed by the County or you are in unincorporated Palm Beach County, you can find them through their website. How to find the PBC ROW permits is described here: https://reject5g.info/2021/06/23/whats-in-your-right-of-way/ . It is possible to have a ROW permit with the County and a Building Permit with a municipality for such installations.
If you need to make a records request to your municipality, you can make that request to receive them electronically or to go in and and see them (bring your camera), to expedite the process.
Contact you Municipal Government and County Commissioner with your reasons for objecting to the Mesh Network. Commissioner Gregg Weiss is also a good contact for these matters.
Contact the School Program and make sure our students are getting all the information about what is being deployed. https://www.palmbeachschools.org/Page/14888
If you want to hire an attorney, consider Andrew Campanelli https://campanellipc.com/attorneys/andrew-j-campanelli/ and https://anticelltowerlawyers.com/
The Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust also have resources and access to the documentation on file with the court, of proof of harm from the very same wi-fi technologies that are being deployed by this mesh network.
Do Not Consent.