Starlink Horror

Starlink – The Nighmare is Here

Weird weather, sleeplessness, aches and pains and you should be grateful you are not one of the species that will be wiped out by the greed and lust for power of those who know full well the harm that they do. Or maybe we are. Here is an update and where you can report your symptoms.

If you have been experiencing problems recently, like headaches, sleeping problems, nausea, anxiety, other nervous system problems, or immune problems (immune system is connected to the nervous system) please let Arthur know at as he is collecting data.

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  UPDATE ON SATELLITES   On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, both the number of satellites in low orbit around the earth, and the volume of data they transmit, increased significantly. On Wednesday morning (4:28 a.m. EDT, 8:28 UTC), SpaceX launched another 60 satellites. On Wednesday evening (10:47 p.m. EDT, 14:47 UTC), OneWeb launched another 36 satellites. And people who already have satellite Internet from SpaceX on a trial basis reported a sudden increase in their Internet speed on Wednesday to up to 430 Mbps.

This could explain the reports I am beginning to receive of sudden illness that began on Wednesday. I myself was unable to sleep at all Wednesday night, and my body hurt, and itched, all over. I was very ill all day Thursday, and still do not feel well. I have received similar reports from other people in the United States, Canada, Norway, Australia and South Africa. I would like to find out how widespread this is. Some people are reporting that they have not felt well for a couple of weeks, but that they suddenly got much sicker Wednesday or Wednesday night.

Please reply to this email if you have experienced something similar.   Current Players and Their Plans   Here is a list of companies that are actively planning to launch and operate large constellations of satellites in low orbit around the earth. The purpose of these satellite networks is to provide Internet and/or cell phone service everywhere on earth, as well as to facilitate the Internet of Things. All will shoot focused beams of radiation at the earth from phased array antennas.

SpaceX, based in the United States, already has approval to operate 12,000 satellites and has filed applications for 30,000 more. More than 1,300 have already been launched. At least initially, these satellites are for Internet only and will not communicate directly with cell phones. Subscribers will purchase a small rooftop dish and a WiFi router. Beta testing by an estimated 10,000 subscribers in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany and New Zealand is already happening.

OneWeb, based in the United Kingdon, has aready launched 148 satellites, and plans to begin providing service after it has 250 satellites in orbit. Initial service will be to northern latitude regions, including the UK, Europe, Greenland, Canada, and Alaska. OneWeb plans to provide cell phone as well as Internet service. Subscribers will purchase a small user terminal that will function as a small cell, able to connect to any mobile device in its vicinity. OneWeb has scaled back its planned number of satellites from 49,000 to 7,088. It does not plan to compete directly with SpaceX. Instead it will market its service to airlines, businesses and governments.

Telesat, based in Canada, has increased its planned number of satellites from 117 to 1,671. It, too, is marketing its service to businesses. Its customers will include cruise ships, airlines, and governments. Telesat intends for its satellites to replace terrestrial fiber networks for long-distance communication. “We’re basically deploying a big space-based mesh IP network,” said its CEO Dan Goldberg.

AST & Science
This company, based in the U.S., is designing its satellites to communicate directly with cell phones. But instead of selling its service directly to cell phone users, it will partner with existing cell phone service providers, so that when a cell phone user travels out of range of any cell towers, the cell phone’s signal will automatically be handed off to a satellite. While this company does not plan to have as many satellites as its competitors, the power levels of its communicating beams will be much greater. Its application to the FCC specifies a maximum EIRP (effective radiating power) of up to 79.2 dBW, or more than 83,000,000 watts per beam.

This company, partnering with Lockheed Martin and the U.S. military, is also designing its satellites to communicate directly with cell phones. Its brochure boasts that it will “enable the Internet of Things on a massive new scale.” “Omnispace is honored to have been selected to work with the U.S. Navy and Marines to demonstrate 5G capability from space,” said Campbell Marshall, Vice President for Government and International Markets in a March 15, 2021 interview. Omnispace has an experimental license from the FCC and has not revealed how many satellites it plans to operate.

Amazon’s application to operate 3,236 satellites was approved by the FCC last July. Like SpaceX, it plans to sell small user terminals to its customers for mounting on rooftops and vehicles.

Like Omnispace and AST & Science, Lynk is designing its satellites to communicate directly with cell phones. Like AST & Science, Lynk has an experimental license from the FCC and has not revealed how many satellites it plans to operate.

Facebook is planning to launch a constellation of small, 150-pound satellites, called cubesats. It too has an experimental license from the FCC and has not revealed how many satellites it plans to operate.
  Arthur Firstenberg Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
March 27, 2021
The last 15 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading
and sharing on the
Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force.
Some of the newsletters are also available there in
German, Spanish, Italian, and French.
Starlink Horror

Starlink – 5G Bait & Switch Update -The Emerging Nightmare

While the Children’s Health Defense works to protect us from Elon Musk’s evil plans to engulf the planet in microwaves, there are more and more satellites launched and a new Quantum Financial System that will be based on the use of this nightmare. It will monitor you directly and give you access to funds based on what it learns. Yes, hear Dr. Charlie Ward tell you about this system, particularly in the video at this link at 32 and 36 minutes. Free internet? Free Energy? Or another toxic Bait and Switch? Elon Musk’s own brother has said that he knows how much harm this radiation will do to the planet and does not care. We would like to ask Dr. Charlie Ward tell us how Elon Musk is not just another sociopath pursuing mass population control, but he has not responded to our inquiries about this. We have asked him for an application for the Oneness Fund as we would like to get funding to develop Human Health Standards for Microwave Exposure. Maybe this is something they should have done before imposing their microwave control systems on people without their consent. I guess global domination comes first.

I stand with the scientists and knowledgeable people who are part of this appeal

WTF Permit Application

National High-Powered Antenna Deployment Alert

Congress working on Federal Laws for deploying high powered wireless infrastructure into our communities that over-ride the few limits there are on human exposure and any requirements for assessment.  These will permit placement of high powered antennas in close proximity to the public. 

Approximately half the states have been convinced by Telecom special interest to pass ALEC laws expediting the installation of wireless infrastructure including so called small cells that were supposed to be low power (60 Watts ERP) high band antennas that do not penetrated far into the body.  These are expedited into the utility right-of-ways in close proximity to the Public.  Unfortunately, these laws limited the size of the antennas and not the power levels and the Telecoms are fully exploiting this weakness and installing high power (10,000-30,000 watts ERP), low and mid bands that rip right through people and are putting them by our homes and by us on the street. 

Protests are censored but many who understand this have been trying to hold the line and push back using existing rules and law, particularly NEPA that set some loose human exposure limits for requiring environmental assessment.  These new laws are aimed at ramming these high powered antennas through any resistance. 

Here is a summary of the legislation in progress and what you can do:

WTF Permit Application

An Open Letter to Governor DeSantis

To the Office of the Governor and State Attorney General:

I would like to bring to your attention, by the complaint I have filed, a matter of Public Safety.  It is requested that the Governor take action to protect Florida Residents and Families from the unmitigated, unnecessary and unlawful placement of High Power Antennas in close proximity to the Public. 

High Power Antennas are being permitted to be placed in State, County and Municipal right-of-ways without proper review due to a pervasive misconception relating to the exclusive authorities referenced in Florida Statute 337.401, 3. (g).  We are asking the Governor to address this misconception and make it known that all State, County, Municipal and Local governments have authority and responsibility for assuring the permitting of these facilities meets all Federal, State and Local Laws for the Safety of the Public. 


High powered “small” cell towers are being deployed in Florida and are being placed where there is no need, in close proximity to the Public.  It is requested that the Governor to make it clear to all local and state authorities, including his own FDOT (see attached), that they are all authorized and responsible for reviewing antenna permits for compliance with all local, state and federal laws to assure the SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC.  Harm from exposure to antennas emitting excessive power includes impaired immune systems.  If he does not act now to protect the people of Florida, we could find our State sick with Covid Forever.  The Public Safety Problem of exposure to excessive power from wireless telecommunication facilities should be taken no less seriously.

I have examined permits for and filed FCC Controversies on 14 small cells in Boynton Beach and Lantana from AT&T and Verizon and seen others from throughout the state.  These high power antennas typically have multiple bands, low (<1), mid (1-3), and high (3-6) GHz bands and none have ultra high band mm waves that were used as the justification for close proximity placement.  These permit applications show antennas predominantly wired for mid-band that travels miles.  Furthermore, the placements generally have no need, with cellular service that is already more than adequate.  My controversies are backlogged at the FCC and it will be months before I expect to hear from the FCC.  We need the Governor to act now to protect Florida Families and Residents.

These are being permitted for construction in City, County and State Right-of-Ways.  All these permitting agencies have been convinced that they have no authority or responsibility to review these antennas for anything but minimal building code requirements.  This is a widespread misconception based on FS 337.401 3.(g):

(g) A municipality or county may not use its authority over the placement of facilities in its roads and rights-of-way as a basis for asserting or exercising regulatory control over a provider of communications services regarding matters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Florida Public Service Commission or the Federal Communications Commission, including, but not limited to, the operations, systems, qualifications, services, service quality, service territory, and prices of a provider of communications services.

The misinterpreted part of this section is about which services are exclusive.  There is a pervasive misconception that small cells are somehow exempt from review for compliance with federal law by FS 337.401. Yet FS 337.401 does not contain the word exempt.  See the analysis under section (g) from

This page is one of three legs of the stool that establishes local control over the operations of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs); the other two are the US House/Senate Conference Report for the 1996 Telecommunications Act (“1996-Act”) and the stated purpose of the 1996-Act: to promote the safety of life and property.

The regulation of the operations of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) is not under exclusive jurisdiction of the Florida Public Service Commission or the Federal Communications Commission, so any municipality or county can regulate the maximum Effective Radiated Power allowed to preserve the quiet enjoyment of streets, provide public safety and fulfill the mission of the 1996-TCA: “to promote the safety of life and property”

The antennas causing the Public Safety Problem are considered High Powered based on the following. 

  • The 47 CFR §1.1307 Table 1. regulatory criteria of 1,000 Watts of ERP
  • 47 CFR § 22.913 Effective radiated power limits of 500 Watts ERP per emission
  • The Infographic of 2014 in my original email to the Governor (following).  
5G built right
Not so smart to pay Telecom for broadband and get inferior, toxic radiation 5G.

The 2014 source lists Small Cells with an input power up to 10 watts and an EIRP of up to 100 watts (ERP of up to 61 watts).  These are the power levels presented to sell “smart” cities and pass ALEC laws for expediting them.  Now what is being deployed is 300X higher and has the power of broadcasting stations.  These are being placed by our homes and by us on the street, exposing us to excessive power levels.  Here are several small cell high power antennas from some of the permits I have reviewed:

Amphenol 2C4U3MT360X06-Fxys0

Band, Mhz Input Watts No. Total Input Gain, dBi Power Factor Mid-Band ERP Total ERP
696-806 500 2     1,000 4.8 3.02       3,020
808-960 500 2     1,000 4.5 2.82       2,818
1695-1880 300 2        600 6.9 4.90     2,939     2,939
1850-1990 300 2        600 7 5.01     3,007     3,007
1920-2200 300 2        600 6.9 4.90     2,939     2,939
2300-2700 300 2        600 8 6.31     3,786     3,786
3550-3700 100 4        400 5.8 3.80       1,521
5150-5925 50 2        100 5.8 3.80          380
          4,900       12,691   20,409

Amphenol CUUT360X12Fxyz0

Band, Mhz Input Watts No. Total Input Gain, dBi Power Factor Mid-Band ERP Total ERP
696-806 500 1        500 5.5 3.55       1,774
806-960 500 1        500 6 3.98       1,991
1695-1880 300 2        600 9 7.94     4,766     4,766
1850-1990 300 2        600 9.5 8.91     5,348     5,348
1920-2200 300 2        600 10 10.00     6,000     6,000
2300-2700 300 2        600 10.3 10.72     6,429     6,429
3550-3700 none            
5150-5925 none            
          3,400     22,543   26,307

Kathrein 84010604

Band/Port Gain PF Watt/input ERP/input Mid-Band ERP Total ERP
698-894 7 5.01 124              621    
1,2 7.4 5.5 124              681          3,670
3,4 7.6 5.75 124              714    
  7.6 5.75 124              714    
1695-2690 8.2 6.61 150              991                991  
5,6 8.3 6.76 150          1,014             1,014        4,920
7,8 8.5 7.08 150          1,062             1,062  
  7.8 6.03 150              904                904  
1695-2690 7.8 6.03 150              904                904  
9,10 8.3 6.76 150          1,014             1,014        4,950
11,12 8.6 7.24 150          1,087             1,087  
  8.3 6.76 150          1,014             1,014  
3400-4200 6.5 4.47 100              447    
13,14 6.5 4.47 100              447          2,600
5150-5925 5.8 3.8 50              190    
17,18 5.6 3.63 50              182    
19,20 6 3.98 50              199          1,096
  6 3.98 50              199    
  4 2.51 50              126    
          2,146             7,990      17,236

These antennas are PUBLIC SAFETY PROBLEMS that are exposing the Public to excessive levels of power from these wireless telecommunication facilities with complete disregard for one of the most basic requirements of the Communications Act of 1934.

47 U.S. Code § 324:
“In all circumstances . . . all radio stations . . . shall use the
minimum amount of power necessary to carry out the communication desired.”
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title III, § 324, 48 Stat. 1091.)

I urge you to address this complaint and lead our State to a telecommunications system that serves everybody.  I request this be done expeditiously as the harm is upon us.  Floridians are networking throughout the state, country and world to identify safe technology for Florida. and we would like to meet with the Governor or his Legal Staff to discuss solutions. 

Your consideration would be appreciated.

See a vision of the future from the State of New Hampshire:

WTF Permit Application

Dear Neighbor – What To Do

It seems the great plans for magical microwaves have dropped out of the news, leaving many states with laws being used to deploy high powered small cells (antennas) in the right of ways of our homes and businesses. You may find that local authorities, point the finger at the state and federal, while the state and federal point their finger at the local authorities. And in the meantime they install more and more of these. I have seen the permits for what is being installed in my community and have seen permits for antennas that have unmitigated, unlawful and unnecessary power levels that can be harmful to life and property that are being installed without the proper horizontal and vertical setbacks.

First let me say that if your local authority does not have authority over the power levels and setbacks of these antennas, it is because they have not written their own ordinances to stay compliant and effective with respect to current law. The legal matters are complicated and they may not believe or even want to have the authority to protect the public, so if you take this issue up with them, be prepared.

What YOU can do is get a list of permit applications and be alert for what they plan that may effect you. I would also suggest you notify anyone else you see that may be placed in harms way. Be advised that it appears such information is being obscured to prevent you from getting this information so you may need to request and search for this information in numerous ways. You will probably find that there are conventional antenna applications that are made through the building department of your city or county. Those would be requested as “current applications for wireless telecommunication facilities”. Make an appointment to go see the list and bring a digital camera and photograph what you cannot easily get a copy of. It they give you a Covid excuse, they should send you the list. Depending on how big your area is, you may need to limit the request to any open permit that has not been finaled through inspection. These are the easy ones to find. They will likely be monopole towers and rooftop installations, either new or modifications. Get a list of them all. Then you will need to make further request for the permit application files for the ones of interest.

Then there are the Right-of-Way (ROW) permit applications. The ROW is the area, usually along the roadway, where utilities may be installed. Some states have decided to allow them to be used by the telecoms to install their facilities with special considerations for what they termed small cellular equipment. These are physically small antennas that were originally represented as being no more than around 60 watts of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) but are now actually being installed at around 10,000 – 30,000 watts of ERP. The laws here were at one time clear they could do that and then changes so they could not and then changed so that maybe they could if the state said so. Find out about these and protect you and yours.

Finding these permits is not straight-forward. There are city, county, state and federal ROW systems. The ROW for the antenna installation may be associated with other ROW for the power supply and there may also be a local Building Department permit for it. The Building Departments may or may not list these as Antenna permit applications and my try to process them as Electrical of other permits. They will pertain to the power supply and try to avoid including the actual antenna. This results in a variety of permitting defects that can be useful. You cannot actually permit the power supply to an antenna without involving telecom equipment that it connects to and what these Building Department permits are will at least be an antenna modification permit. Look for the RRU, which is a Remote Radio Unit, that is part of the antenna control system.

Finding the ROW permits is also challenging. You may have county, state and federal ROW in a city. Most of the worst installations would be on the smaller roads that are controlled by the municipalities. Some of these are right by peoples homes. So, when you are trying to get the Building Department records you may need to make it clear you also want to see these records, and get that list. Understand that it may be a separate information system. There is a lot of variation in how the county and municipal ROW records are organized and processed. To say there is a lack of transparency here is an understatement.

You may find the state ROW online and just need to find out how to search the system for the antenna installations. They will likely be called small cells. In Florida, these are online through the Florida Department of Transportation. Then you will need to find your local office and request to see any permitting files of interest.

Yes, get the lists. See if you are OK and warn others who are not. Then what? Fight or flight? Say you are on the list. You will first need the actual permitting files to identify the actual location. It is common to find that the addresses given on the permitting files are not correct. That also means you should check all locations within 1,000 feet of you, very carefully (get the file). You may be able to guess with the exact location and the specifications for the antenna, just how much trouble you may be in. If they are going to install 20,000 watts of ERP 30 feet from your home, I would suggest you make plans for flight while you fight. You can otherwise assess if you can mitigate your home. Immediately conduct a Need Test. Get a phone for the telecom installing the small cell and see how many bar are on the phone at the site and for 300-600 feet around it. (Note: Never advertise a need test.) If you get 3-4 bar, the installation is without need and you have grounds for a fight, even in states with the worst laws. As long as you can make a cell phone call with good quality, that connects and does not drop throughout the area, there really is no need for the installation under the Communications Act. So assess the Need on both those basis. Documenting the need is usually done by video and requires three people who will provide affidavits. You may also be able to get a power density survey, if you have the $.

For the fight you will need all the permitting files associated with the site. Your best reference for how to file a controversy with the FCC is Susan with Scientists for Wired Technology. She works by donation. Also contact My Street My Choice both links on my reference page. If the antenna is under 33 feet high and over 1,000 watts of ERP it is likely violating a lot of FCC rules. Even if it is over 33 feet high it can still violate them. NEPA is the main one. Filing a controversy is not necessarily a cure. The FCC is considered a captured agency. However, I think this is the best way to notify all parties you do not consent and WHY, short of getting an attorney and taking them to court. Some places have tried Cease and Desist notices and if you have disabilities, there are recourse through ADA so find out more, but we will not address these here.

If you are getting an attorney to fight, the best is considered Andrew J Campanelli out of New York. He is online so you can get a lot of his advise for free at various safe tech websites. Your chances of stopping an install are way better than getting one removed.

If you do have one installed near you, you should get a meter and check your exposures. Most of the permits I have seen are powered up on low and mid band so the waves travel. If you can site the source within 2,000 feet, you should check your exposures. Or if you are within 1,000 feet sited or not. See the Three Things page for what you can do.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I monitor the blog weekly.

WTF Permit Application

Dear Palm Beach County Neighbor

These so called “small” cells are 100X more powerful that what was proposed for Smart Cities. The harm they do is just DUMB

These past years we have seen the invasion of wireless Towers and so called “small” Cells into our neighborhoods and by our homes. The microwave radiation levels in our communities has become excessive. Small Cells are small in size only and can be as powerful as the Towers, but placed much closer. I urge you to find out about these facilities before they are constructed and take action before your property is debased and your health further harmed. Most of these installations are UNNECESSARY and UNLAWFUL. Our other posts list some of the locations in Boynton Beach and Lantana where some of these these are planned. But now we have a list for unincorporated Palm Beach County. They are found as electrical permits but they are more likely to actually be permits to modify and/or construct these small wireless telecommunication facilities.

Here is a link to more details if you see an address near you.

Contact us here if you need help filing complaints. Your City and County may tell you that they cannot do anything, but the law have changed over the last year and these wireless facilities are not entitled to the status of utilities. The placement of these facilities in close proximity to the public is a PUBLIC SAFETY PROBLEM. We will have another post about that.

Address That May be a Small Cell Location
8405 Winnipesaukee Way, Lake Worth, 33467
3208 Medinah Cir W, Lake Worth, 33467
18816 Rio Vista Dr, Jupiter, 33469
18915 S State Road 7, Boca Raton, 33498
7294 Willow Spring Cir W, Boynton Beach, 33436
4408 Hypoluxo Rd, Lantana, 33462
3382 Belvedere Rd, West Palm Beach, 33406
3936 Dorrit Ave, Boynton Beach, 33436
20735 S State Road 7, Boca Raton, 33428
10020 Lawrence Rd, Boynton Beach, 33436
2750 Lantana Rd, Lantana, 33462
17346 Lake Park Rd, Boca Raton, 33487
11090 Jack Nicklaus Dr, North Palm Beach, 33408
21704 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, 33498
4515 Weymouth St, Lake Worth, 33463
5585 S State Road 7, Lake Worth, 33449
8220 Lake Worth Rd, Lake Worth, 33467
79 Kelly Dr, West Palm Beach, 33411
4831 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, 33417
5999 Le Chalet Blvd, Boynton Beach, 33472
6498 Lake Worth Rd, Lake Worth, 33463
6504 Linton Blvd, Delray Beach, 33446
6765 Country Club Rd, West Palm Beach, 33411
5049 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach, 33415
5995 S Haverhill Rd, Lake Worth, 33463
7680 Forest Hill Blvd, West Palm Beach, 33413
12813 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, 33498
13710 Old Prosperity Farms Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, 33410

If we do not set limits on these, the installation will continue and we will all be living in unmitigated, excessive levels of radiation.

WTF Permit Application

Dear Neighbor – Contact Us

5G built right
This is what was advertised and something very different is happening. See the Small Cell here that is just a bit more powerful that a Wi-Fi Router? Well what they are putting in are thousands of Watts. Make sure you know the FCC rules and what is scheduled for installation in your neighborhood.

Telecoms are currently pushing installation of Wireless Telecom Facilities (WTF) that do not appear to comply with current Federal Law. They are doing it because it will cost them a lot more to comply with the rules. You will need to go to your Municipal or County Building Departments and ask to review the pending permit applications for WTF to know if one is planned for installation in the Right-of-Way of your home or community.

There are eight ROW permits in Lantana for small cells, from Verizon. The antenna is only partially defined but appears to have multiple antennas and bands of high power. These are being installed in close proximity to people and their homes and do not likely comply with FCC rules for Effective Radiated Power. The planned sites are as follows and FCC Complaint have been filed on the first four:

Lantana Permits
1402 West Mango
401 Minnesota
555 East Coast
708 S Broadway
1003 S Broadway
1300 S Broadway
1142 W Garnett St
1319 W Jennings

I also found numerous “Small” cells going up in Boynton Beach from AT&T What can be seen installed appears to be a high powered antennas in close proximity to people and their homes. The proposed antenna in the plans has a maximum input power of approximately 2,000 watts and an effective radiated power of approximately 17,000 watts. Here is the antenna . It comes with a 100 amp service and a 200 amp meter – enough for a Macro Cell Tower . The sites being permitted are as follows. High Ridge Road has an even larger antenna and is discussed in a separate post.

Boynton Beach Sites:

AddressStatusElectical PermitROW PermitAntenna Permit
3473 High Ridge RoadOn HoldE-19-020E-19-03419-4044  Antenna
1900 N. FederalApproved20-28532019-H-496-00317
2360 N FederalApproved20-2856E-19-040 19-1551-Ant-Cancelled
1601 S. FederalApproved19-4842 Fiber-Optics19-1792-Ant-Cancelled
755 W Boynton Beach BlvdApproved20-2854 UT55327, 5426920-2732-Other-Void
1001 Leisure LaneOn Hold20-2848E19-021,E20-01619-1241-Ant-Cancelled
2315 SW 11thOn Hold20-2881 UT55551,52921,54243 
3112 SE 1st PlaceApproved20-2855E-19-033 
2190 NE 1st LaneApproved20-2859 E-19-029 
2770 NE 1st StreetOn Hold20-2857E-19-01919-1242-Ant-Cancelled
3662 Newport Ave On Hold20-3240E-20-031, E-19-03619-1445-Ant-Cancelled

Four more filed in September and October in Boynton Beach

20-45027044 Lawrence
20-4957740 N. Congress
20-49593000 Old Boynton
20-49601501 N. Congress

If you have problems, contact me here through the comments that are moderated. Do not wait until they are installed.

200 Amps – Enough to supply it’s full potential of 17,000 Watts Effective Radiated Power – Just a modification away.
WTF Permit Application

Rooftop Antennas at Compson Place

Dear Neighbor,

We thought you might need to know that the City might approve, near your home, a rooftop installation of nine antennas, potentially outputting the effective radiated power (ERP) of a macro cell tower.  The microwave radiation broadcast from this infrastructure could be measurable in your home.  The intended construction is on the Compson Place Apartments at 1831 Renaissance Commons Boulevard, near the corner of Gateway and Congress.

You can inspect documents for permit 20-2627 at the Boynton Beach Building Department,  561-742-6350.

Should you wish to speak with others helping to alert neighbors of such activities, feel free to contact us through the comments below. You can leave an email and request contact without publication. Comments are moderated.

Learn more at .

Wishing you a happy, healthy new decade.

WTF Permit Application

Dear Neighbor High Ridge Road

Dear Neighbor,

We thought you might need to know that the City might place near your home a cell tower described as “small”, but potentially outputting the effective radiated power (ERP) of a macro cell tower.  The microwave radiation broadcast from this infrastructure would be measurable in your home.  The address of the intended construction is 3473 High Ridge Road

You can inspect documents for permit 19-4044 at the Boynton Beach Building Department,  561-742-6350

Should you wish to speak with others helping to alert neighbors of such activities, feel free to contact us through the comments below. You can leave an email and request contact without publication. Comments are moderated.

Learn more at .

Wishing you a happy, healthy new decade.

You can also get a copy of the permit file by leaving a request in a comment with your email that will be moderated out. Any messages you do not want posted, just note in the post.

This is the top antenna that will be installed. The potential Effective Radiated Power for this antenna is approximately 30,000 Watts.

WTF Permit Application

Hello world!

Please leave us a comment. Comments are moderated.