Health, Life and Property Starlink Horror

Happy New Year – 5G Starlink Fail-Restore the Planet

Happy New Year Link:

So what is to come for 2024? Will there be civil war and fire from the sky as a draconian mass micro-control system is deployed upon us? Or will it all be a big nothing-burger as the course of the eternal struggle between good and evil gets a reset? Will that be a totalitarian two-step into a hideous hive mind of oppression or towards a decent, fair and free society?

You must look past the lies of The Age of Fake and realize that all of us have the power to change the world, to have your say in our future. So many lies, the biggest one is about your power to change this world. We have tried to tell you through this website about the role of electromagnetics in all of this. If you still do not know how to exercise your power, we will give you one more hint: There were armies of benevolent spirits deployed in opposition to the evil that rolled out upon us and their powers are there for the asking, to help you with whatever you are going through, as long as you are trying to do the right thing. Choose. Ask. Feel the heavenly orchestral vibration of love and protection. Pick your path through the confusion.

Our Christmas was modest, mostly by choice. We lit up our Angels and turned on some lights, but the tree and the the yule log were on the computer screen in the metaverse only. We caught up on a few things in our home where our mitigations had deteriorated to the point of failure. Budget Film installed on our home office window after deployments of 2021. The film at the bottom is degraded to the point pieces are breaking off. Consider what the deployment of these microwave systems is doing to us. This window is facing south so it does get sun, but so do we. I also have northern facing applications where striations have developed. We must object to this abuse of wildlife and those who toil in the sunshine. Your phone is not your friend.

For Christmas I gave myself some new Budget Film on my home office window. Yes, I am surprised I have not heard from my HOA about the messy window, but I think most people are pretending they do not see it or know what it is. Looking at the world coming in 2024, I would like to do the same. Yet, it has merit as long as you have a sense of humor.

We have been hearing from the Satellite Phone Salesmen Truthers that poor Elon the Exploding Car Salesman is being picked on by the Cabal of the FCC by withholding his loot for his 20 Mbps High Speed Internet. In a mad race to the bottom, the Wireless Industry has thrown out the 100 Mbps UP/DOWN high speed internet requirement (which is about 10% of what Fiber Optics can deliver) and you can eat poo if you do not like it. 20 Mbps is just fine for anything you may want to upload to the system that they are planning to link your brain to. Now these Muskrat lovers are expecting you to hail Elon as the new Trump, persecuted for buying Twitter/Twatter, rebranding it X and giving the world Freedom of Speech. With each new persecution, his ratings with Alex Jones are going up. And I think Alex is back on X as long as he does not exercise his newly found Freedom of Speech too much.

Starlink is officially a FAIL on high speed internet. . Now what to do with the space junk – or was that ever what the Starlink deployment was about? When will the FCC issue real Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation in response to the remand of the court of their fake ones for the deployments now upon us? Who will save the planet?

As the crescendo of the madness rises, we can only watch in amazement. They are all proof positive that radio-frequency microwave radiation causes physical and mental illness. The parade of posers and buffoons in rubber masks in endless succession dance on the Stage of Fake for your entertainment as totalitarian agendas are advanced.

And then comes Dr. Charlie Ward, who tells us this is all a pantomime, as the real reason for Starlink, the operation of the global financial takeover, has been complete and they are just “waking up” the public to what has happened to them and why it is a good thing. The micromanagers have gathered all the wealth for redistribution and are just waiting until all the “evil” has been eradicated from the system, to distribute yours to you.

Unfortunately, part of the “evil” they are demanding be eradicated is your wireline internet where you can choose to connect or not, with relatively little harm. You will need to use the Satellite internet to get your share of the wealth or accept some other draconian form of microchip. We would like to pretend this was not a requirement to blanket the earth with death and destruction and have the control of the planet extraterrestrial, but we all know who tells these kinds of tales and makes these kinds of deals.

The Banksters are making their move. We think Charlie is correct, all the rest is a pantomime. There may be pandemics, civil war and hellfire from the sky, but it is actually ALL about the money. Will we be totalitarian two stepped into the hive mind or will the money-changers be chased from the temple? Or will the wealth of the world be truly given to those to whom it belongs by those wise enough to know, if you want to be free, let go.

And when it is done, who shall inherit the earth?

If you want to know how the battle of good and evil is going, watch and see if the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund starts running Fiber To The Premisis (FTTP). Until that happens, they are better off without.

It is not too late to get that EMF meter and start taking control of your wireless electronic devices and managing your electromagnetic environment to the best of your ability. Do not end up like the budget film on our window.

We plan to go forward in defense of life and property and ask for contributions of prayers and karma chips for this New Year. You can send them by the wireless connection you were born with.

Update: The Exploding Car Salesman is not done with satellites yet and now plans to put cell towers on them for phone calls and texts since the high-speed-internet con has collapsed.

Now, everywhere, wildlife for miles around can be microwaved with every text and phone call. How many $ Billions will he bilk the public for this time?

Grounding Health, Life and Property

So, What’s The Code?

We have told the story of our discovery about the grounding of our modest home of cinder block construction with metal electrical conduit and about how our neighbors house caught on fire in the middle of the night. . The story continues as the hazards compound and we must raise further warnings. How does your garden grow? We all have choices before us about how we will live in the world as it is unfolding.

Our Homeowners Association was unresponsive to our request to help notify other HOA members that our electrical grounding systems may have been part of the problem and that our homes could be at elevated risk for electrical fire. Not only that, but they approved a neighbor on our boundary to constructed a sun pouch of aluminum construction, that has inadequate setback from our property. Although I am the established title holder, surveys are conflicting and it turns out, there were no as-built surveys done when the community was constructed so the entire plat could be in question.

The Aluminum Association of Florida has not returned email or phone calls from us inquiring about the safety of constructing an aluminum addition attached to cinder block with electrical conduit and a 25-year-old grounding system that of questionable code compliance when new.

Mike Holt has just a little bit of information on his forum.

And then the City, who could not answer questions about our grounding systems and the possible electrical hazards of the aluminum construction, also allowed the sun porch to be constructed under a building code exception that allowed it to have plexiglass windows rated for only 75 MPH. Yes and who decided there would be no as-builts needed for the community? The City and the HOA.

So now I have potential wind and electrical hazards set back an inadequate distance from my home. Ah! How could they do such a thing? Let us take a trip back to 1997 and 1998 when the community was constructed with the metal conduit in cinder block and the grounding systems with a single grounding rod and who-knows-what-else.

The community has no as-builts, but in my building permit search for surveys, we did find the plans. And what we did find in those plans, was what was supposed to be installed for the electrical ground which is shown below.

From Building Plans – same for all models constructed in community. The diagram shows that the meter is to be connected to the rod and the cold water pipe by one #8 copper wire. The rod is also connected to reinforced steel & all ext. slabs & pool where applicable, by another #8 copper wire.

We compared this to what we found in 2021. Our rod was about six inched deep, buried by our FPL Meter. The grounding rod has two wires connected by two connectors. One wire comes from the FPL meter to the rod and the second comes from the rod and goes under the slab. We can only hope the second wire connects to the pipe, steel and slabs it is supposed to.

There are two wires off the grounding rod, each fastened with a separate connector and the wire is not continuous. One wire comes from the meter and the other goes under the slab to a point that could not be determined.

One other code issue is that the soil in the community is sandy so it is likely the single grounding rod would not pass a 25 Ohm resistance test. How is there only one grounding rod? Is the cold water pipe intended to be the second grounding electrode and those two intended to meet the grounding requirement? Then the second wire that goes under the slab would be to the reinforced steel & all ext. slabs. & pool where applicable, intended for bonding.

So, what was the code? The riser diagram references part of the code as 1996 NEC (National Electric Code). A significant part of the NEC Code for grounding rods seems to have been established in 1978. As I am not a licensed electrician I will post my favorite responses from electrician’s blogs on when and what the requirements are. We will also note that how the code is interpreted and applied can be subjective and at the discretion of the local Building Department.

Link: and favorite post: Not that simple.
1978 is when the requirement for a supplemental ground (in addition to the water pipe) was put in the NEC. That supplemental ground could be accomplished with many types of grounding electrodes, but it was most often done with rods. Using a second rod if not 25 Ohms was around for a long time, early 1900’s I believe. But up until 2008 the inspector was the one who had to prove that it wasn’t 25 Ohms. In the 2008 NEC they changed it so that the inspector could make the contractor prove it, or add a second rod.

Another Link discussing the above:

So, it could be argued that our installation had two grounding electrodes, although one could not be verified, so it would not be required to meet the 25 Ohm test. However, there is one more issue of how the two electrodes must be wired for the 25 Ohm requirement.

Link: Favorite post: Bonding vs grounding The purpose of bonding is to equalize potential of electrically-connected metal parts, the grounded conductor, and the structure of the building. The purpose of the GEC is to provide a low-resistance path to ground. They serve very different purposes. Code interpretation set aside, the connection between two ground rods is part of the GEC and a mechanical connection, rather than a continuous wire or being exothermically fused, offers much higher resistance, imho.

Participants in the above blog from 2014 do not come to consensus on the requirement for the continuous wire through the first two electrodes when both are required to meet the 25 Ohm requirement.

In another blog some participants use a diagram from the code that shows the first and second electrodes connected by bonding jumpers, but to not specify if the first electrode met the 25 Ohm requirement.

Link: Favorite Post: None. We think the use of the diagram is faulty. It does not address the question of the 25 Ohm requirement in the example.

The continuous wire seems to be more generally accepted as better practice that will pass inspections without problems from differences in opinions or variations in local code.

Indeed, the NEC Code has some obvious shortcomings as described in this more current article including the obvious question about even two electrodes meeting the 25 Ohm requirement. Certainly, the two electrodes would be more likely to meet requirement if the wire is continuous. But NEC does not require the test if two electrodes are used. Then, there is the question about the 25 Ohm requirement itself, that has been the standard for a century while EMF has escalated.

If you consider the Grounded Electrode Conductor to be the first two Grounding Electrodes, NEC 250.64(C) on grounding electrode conductors, that requires the continuous wire, would reasonably apply. But NEC 250.53(C) on bonding jumpers suggest that the second electrode may be connected as a bonding jumper. Is NEC 250.53(C) and excuse to ignore NEC 250.64(C)?

It is the Electrical Riser in the plans for every home in my community that shows the installation I found, was not constructed per the code according to the plan. Looking at our Electrical Riser it would appear that the rod and cold water pipe connection were intended to meet NEC 250.64(C) as grounding electrodes, with a continuous wire, and the second wire was to go to reinforced steel & all ext. slabs. & pool where applicable, to meeting NEC 250.53 (C) as bonded connections.

One wire for GROUNDING and another wire for BONDING.

We believe the plans required two grounding electrodes, that would be requited to be connected by a continuous wire. And that the grounding of our homes was not done according to the plans to meet the grounding code requirements. Now that one grounding electrode would be over 25 years old and woefully inadequate.

It is notable that, throughout the blogs on codes, the electricians discussions minimize the importance of grounding and even express that the standard should be set by the lesser ones of bonding. This is the perspective of those who work with 120V, 240V and even 480V systems. Your health depends on what is happening on the micro end as your brain operates over a range of approximately 0.000100V (100 mV). These are the waste voltages that need to leave the system by the electrical ground that is essential to the performance of your sensitive electronic and biological equipment.

We very much liked our upgrade to two grounding rods on a continuous wire from the Florida Power and Light (FPL) Meter.  FPL requires other utilities on your ground to be manifolded as an Intersystem Bonding Terminal (IBT) as described in the FPL Service manual you can find here:

The initial reduction we observed in the magnetic field of our home, as measured by an GQ EMF390 trifield meter was 30%. We added two more rods by attachment and have had an overall 40% reduction. It has been over a year since installation and stray voltages are still dropping very slowly. Our sensitive electronic equipment and our biological equipment is functioning much better.

We would suggest for other homes of construction similar to ours, that there be a continuous wire from the meter through three 8-foot grounding rods, each spaced 16 feet apart. For homes like ours of cinder block construction with metal conduit, we would also recommend the cinder block construction be maintained and sealed to keep the cinder block dry and non-conductive and to keep the slab and surrounding earth moist.

Besides the improvement in safety and to your sensitive electronic and biological equipment, the benefits of proper grounding of the house electrical system includes reduction of the surface ground voltage surrounding the house from energy coming off the slab and benefit to landscaping that may otherwise essentially be getting slowly electrocuted.

We are looking for better ways to live. For our garden at home that has not done well in the current environment that is being deployed on the world, we are looking at these very interesting ideas for our garden and . Amazon has supplies – beware of the winding jigs-they are counter-clockwise. We have already installed a few clockwise antennas and will be looking to see how things grow.

Yes, we would much rather have electroculture than electrocution of our garden.

Health, Life and Property

After the Big Blast

Final determination of population reach for the EAS test will come from data collected by the EAS Test Reporting System. Analysis will be done by FEMA and the FCC, and results could take approximately four months.

Keeping under Faraday through the Big Blast, we did not notice anything strange except that our not-entirely-domesticated cat got under the bed under Faraday shortly before 2 PM and stayed there until after 4 PM. However, there were more brave souls who got out there and measured. You can find one reporting here:

Results are discussed at 31 minutes:

We will find out if he is right in a week or so. We hope he is wrong. Get out your antioxidants and zinc. If anyone has heard any other reports, please let us know.

The results in our yard with a bird feeder have turned out well and we have kept the feeder full and added another since the Big Blast. We were also inspired to plant a tree to make up for the tree our neighbor cut down for some unknown reason. We particularly missed it as it blocked some of the nasty RF/MW radiation from a megabeast 2,100 feet away. Well our new tree, a hass avocado, came in a container that it was so happy to get out of that it has been radiating happiness all over our yard, despite the microwaves. So there is now a very happy tree and lots of happy birds in my back yard.

We will see how our tree grows. Our water bill is a bit high, but it takes what it takes. We will turn on the water and let the pure white light flow.

We will leave you with a very interesting video from a woman with a message about what is happening to us. We were going to put up a Halloween post with this about Vampires and Other Ghouls, but decided not. Halloween in past. Beelzebub begone. The same for all the rubber faced frauds and pretenders. A prayer of protection goes out to all, as these troubled times descend upon us.


Update 12/14/2023 – We may have been foolish at the time of the Big Blast to believe we had gotten away with no consequence. After the return of symptoms, we did discover in November, a blown fuse on our electro-junk collection system. And this was accompanied by elecro-junk overload of the system. Now it may be the very dry weather, so we will never know as we did not check our fuses after the Big Blast. But we sure will, for the next one. It has been most hard to get rid of and quite nasty, perhaps just positive ions, we hope.

Update 1/18/2024 – We have been listening to more from Sabrina Williams and found this blood chilling video on just what more was happening during the Big Blast. And so see our post forward at

Health, Life and Property

Listen to Icke

While the FCC and FEMA were blasting, David Icke had another smashing interview with Brian Rose.

Take the time to listed to David Icke if you want to understand what is really going on. It is not enough to recognize things are not what they seem, but we must connect the dots.

Grounding Health, Life and Property

The Big Blast – 911, The Patriot Act and Katrina

Over 20 years in the making, spawned by 911 and the Patriot Act with First Net, then Hurricane Katrina, the Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS) utilizes antennas deployed everywhere to alert you and keep you safe. Now they are going to show their stuff on Wednesday October 4th, as a National Alert is to go out. If you live in Palm Beach County Florida you are going to get a particularly widespread blast as all those new developments out west (and everywhere else) have been required to gear up to participate. There will be nowhere for a bug or a flea to hide from the Big Blast.

Many species of wildlife are already facing extinction and are given no quarter. We have had inquiries about encapsulants holding nasty packages that have been injected in our favorite species, homo sapiens. We are going to recommend the C60 App of Subtle Energy and then tell you that all the rest of the solutions are all the same so we will try to stay in the solution here.

Get this.. both FEMA and the FCC are behind this. What could go wrong?

Of course there must be fear, that will be played to the hilt, as there is talk of weekly postponements for the “weather”. Now, we all do know how that is being managed and so first be prepared to get out the popcorn for the show. 11 GHz and 18 GHz antennas have been up on our towers since 2010. How these things are revealed, reveals a lot. Hopefully they will have it done by Halloween. You must pick your frequency and own it.

It could be a big nothing-burger. Maybe they will all choke on their own interference. That is our best guess. If they did, would they tell you?

At this time, we are considering staying online wired and putting extra faraday on devices with antennas. If you do not have time to get a proper bag, tin foil works. The thickness is not so important as how it is sealed. Get a 2 inch overlap and fold it multiple times. GPS disabled, in Aiplane mode and turned off like a good wireless device should be. Turn off your Alerts in Settings. Do not forget that some WiFi gateway boxes have capacitors and have to be shut off hours before they are inactive.

How will you spend your Blast time? RF/MW radiation will come from the earth and the sky in every frequency they got. Get whatever cover you can and get earthed. Taking an Epsom salt bath with the water running to just go down the overflow, is one way connect to ground if you have no other. Running water.

Don’t forget there are two factors in the destruction of your DNA. It is when you are Powered Up and Pulsed. And I would note that the time they selected to do this is a peak power time for the grid. You can power down your own environment some by cooling off your house early and then turning off the AC and all the breakers to everything except the refrigerator during the Blast.

You have the power to turn it off. Turn it all off.

Just too bad about all that wildlife that does not have a room with radio protection. What to do?

For one thing, I plan to leave out bird food and clean water. And during the Blast, maybe I will start my irrigation system for some good soaking that may give a few creatures some cover. And it helps with grounding.

Do not forget to protect your pet. Remember that pet (and human) microchips can contain antennas up to 30 inches long.

Then what is there to do but to say a prayer for the innocent and unprotected, and go get out the popcorn to watch the show.

FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

If you have any other suggestions on how to protect life and property we would be glad to hear from you.

Update 9/30/2023: Here is the original warning that went out that was picked up by infowars and has people talking about this. I think it is much more significant that these broadcasts are being done by the FEMA and the FCC while the FCC has not responded to the court’s remand for science based Human Exposure Guidelines for Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation.

From Jason Shurka:

Update 10/2/2023: It is noted in the above FEMA and FCC link above that these tests have been conducted annually for several years already. However, know that 5G deployments have continued despite the lack of adequate FCC Human Exposure Guidelines for most of what they are deploying. In particular we have noted that the technological nightmare near us was racked out with some particularly nasty 4G and 5G antennas just this last February. Three were some special C-Band antennas developed by some three or four letter agency.

5G Deployments Continue without having adequate FCC Human Exposure Guideline for RF/MW Radiation. A different view of this tower in 2019 is posted on the main page of this website.

Update 10/3/2023: We have received additional information on the possibility of use of the new C-band antennas deployed this last year, to do some mass experimentation on gut control. This could also include Wi-Fi frequencies. Here is the actual research that is said to be funded by a four letter agency . Got zinc?

Update 10/4/2023: We hope you enjoyed your Big Blast. We spent our time under radio protection as we described. The breakers were off and the water was on and our meter said all was good. If you know of anyone who broke out with symptoms from this, let us know. We had a very nice rest while the Blast took place. What was most notable to us was the behavior of our pet, a fairly large, not entirely domesticated, calico cat. If things had gone bad, keeping her under faraday could be a problem. So I had arranged several treats and had the cat carrier handy. But just before 2 pm, she went under the bed, under the faraday, went to sleep on the floor there and she did not come out until after 4 pm. Yes, the animals know.

Stay wired and grounded, my friends.

Grounding Health, Life and Property

Perspective on DNA Destruction from a Chemical Engineer

It has been over two years since the Environmental Health Trust and the Children’s Health Defense presented approximately 14,000 pages of proof of harm from radio-frequency microwave radiation to the court and the Federal Communications Commission had their Human Exposure Guidelines for radio-frequency microwave radiation, that were the basis for 5G deployments, remanded back to them as they were not properly based on science. See our post where Dr. Devra Davis was on Prime Time telling people about the evidence where their DNA is being destroyed. H E L L O !

And yet, Big Telecom is still being allowed to loot public utility subsidies to roll it out and people are still buying it. What could this be going on? How could it be that such a highly intelligent and qualified person cannot convince the public that their phone and their wireless devices are not their friends and are not smart?

Oh, yea, that harmless non-ionizing radiation fairy tale about the energy of a single photon. You have to know by now, that there is something else happening here. Birds, bees, trees, you and me are all massively harmed as our planet has gone toxic. Watch the news and wonder how the fires are started as we are burned.

After I had my wake-up call in 2019, I found there was a lot of obscured science behind beliefs about the safety of RF/MW radiation. Being an engineer and a scientist myself, I took a different approach to deciding if harm to DNA is being done. The experiment to look at is how to ionize substances using RF/MW radiation. There were several of these available, but the most all encompassing is this:

Microwave Ionization of Hydrogen Atoms

Dima Shepelyansky (2012), Scholarpedia, 7(1):9795.doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.9795revision #184867 [link to/cite this article]

Microwave ionization of hydrogen atoms is a process of electron ionization of excited hydrogen atoms by an electromagnetic microwave field when tens or hundreds of photons are required to ionize one electron. Even if a microwave field is relatively weak this multiphoton ionization is much more efficient than a direct one-photon ionization at high photon energies (see Fig.1). Such a rapid ionization happens due to a diffusive growth of electron energy generated by dynamical chaos in the classical system. Quantum effects can suppress this diffusion with emergence of photonic localization which is similar to the Anderson localization in disordered solid state systems. The diffusive photoeffect was first observed in experiments of Bayfield and Koch (1974) [1], which happened to be first experiments performed in a regime of quantum chaos. The quantum effects of photonic localization were first observed by the group of Koch (1988) [2].

Hydrogen is one of the elements that makes up your DNA.

I never read through the tens of thousands of studies on the subject of harm from RF/MW radiation. After your have become the data, it is easy enough to recognize what you are experiencing in review of the most well know studies. But just what kind of crime against humanity, life and property that this really is, comes down to how it effects DNA.

In this first article they discuss fields. And it is noted there, “ Ionization of chaotic Rydberg atoms: A hydrogen atom is an integrable system and a microwave field should be relatively strong to induce chaotic diffusive ionization. However, it is possible to have atoms which are chaotic in absence of microwave field: it can be hydrogen or Rydberg atoms in a magnetic field, or Rydberg atoms in a static electric field. So now, what about all those other magnetic and electrical fields all around us and in our homes? What is happening there? If you are under the influence of other electromagnetic fields you become more susceptible.

So, lets see how you ionize with microwave radiation. So far we have referenced fields, but what happens when you use multi-photon techniques? This is best described in the abstract of one of the articles referenced under note 31. It should be noticed that the frequencies in the following are similar to those used by Starlink

Connecting field ionization to photoionization via 17- and 36-GHz microwave fields.

J. H. Gurian, K. R. Overstreet, H. Maeda, and T. F. Gallagher

Phys. Rev. A 82, 043415 – Published 15 October 2010


Here we present experimental results connecting field ionization to photoionization in Li Rydberg atoms obtained with 17- and 36-GHz microwave fields. At a low principal quantum number n, where the microwave frequency ω is much lower than the classical, or Kepler frequency, ωK=1/n3, microwave ionization occurs by field ionization, at E=1/9n4. When the microwave frequency exceeds the Kepler frequency, ω>1/n3, the field required for ionization is independent of n and given by E=2.4ω5/3, in agreement with dynamic localization models, which cross over to a Fermi’s Golden Rule approach at the photoionization limit. A surprising aspect of our results is that when ω≈1/2n2, the one- and multiphoton ionization rates are similar, and even at the lowest microwave powers, all are 10 times lower than the perturbation theory rate calculated for single-photon ionization. Further, we show that when the Rydberg atoms are excited in the presence of the microwave field, the probability of an atom’s being bound at the end of the microwave pulse passes smoothly across the limit. This microwave stimulated recombination to bound Rydberg states can be well described by a simple classical model. More generally, these results suggest that the problem of a Rydberg atom coupled to a high-frequency microwave field is similar to the problem of interchannel internal coupling in multilimit atoms, a problem well described by quantum defect theory.

Uh Oh! the probability of an atom’s being bound at the end of the microwave pulse passes smoothly across the limit. Microwave pulses.

Ah! Rydberg! And the quantum defect theory. Yes, the one photon fairy tail is based on that quantum theory that has defects. These defects include the characteristics of hydrogen that makes up your DNA. And Chromium that is a whole other reason why we should not be living in RF/MW radiation. The above reference uses Lithium. Yes, another Rydberg, part of that defect theory. All have major roles in human physiology.

Hydrogen is part of your DNA. Lithium is involved in brain function. Chromium is prevalent throughout the environment. In the lowest energy state Chromium exists as Cr 3+, an essential nutrient in blood sugar metabolism and then there is the slightly higher energy state, Cr 6+, which is a carcinogen. These are all considered Rydberg atoms.

Powering people up with electromagnetic fields and RF/MW radiation and then hitting them with pulses of high powered RF/MW radiation is a formula for DNA damage, neurological dysfunction and diabetes and cancer. All documented and in plain sight for quite some time now.

This is why I keep telling anyone who will listen, to get control of their wireless devices, turn them off as much as possible and to get wired and grounded. And I ask you to do so again, my friends.

Health, Life and Property

Real Intelligence

Through the recent rollouts of anti-human programs that we have been experiencing at accelerated rates these past few years, what is posed as the most existential threat to mankind? ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Really? Faster and more powerful, it is set up and geared up to overwhelm you. But understand this: It all goes back to binary. 0/1, on/off, yes/no, true/false and is programmed from there. What they are after is total control of your wealth, your freedom and your soul. Such a system could not be implemented through informed consent so there will be a barrage of manipulation towards achieving this goal. Our only problem is to avoid being collateral damage of this bad programming and not let it consume us before it eats itself and moves on the the next victims or ends as it should, in nothingness that is more than it is.

So what is in our toolbox for defense? You are designed for and capable of REAL INTELLIGENCE. You have critical thinking skills that are most helpful. So I would ask your this: What is the contradiction between what the Physics Detective says about the photon and the slide from Dr. Deva Davis’ presentation on the our previous post,

Slide from Dr. Devra Davis Presentation – 5G, Wireless Radiation and Health: A Scientific and Policy Update

We would say it is a glaring experimental faux pas as the Detective states that the amplitude of the photon is a constant. But note that the Detective is talking about is the photon and Dr. Davis is talking about the RF/MW radiation signal. Anytime someone is talking about the amplitude as a characteristic of RF/MW radiation, they are not likely talking about the non-ionizing photon, they are talking about how they are organized into a signal.

What we are being exposed to are not just photons of non-ionizing energy levels. These are signals of power and pulsation with amplitudes and frequencies that are not that of the photons they are made from. How is it used on us? Tesla told us. It is all about energy, vibration and frequency. The Alchemy Webinar diagram below uses speech as an example of how vibrations and frequencies control. But this is much more broadly applicable. (edited)

Yes, they have rolled out a system of electromagnetic control telling fairly tales about the energy level of a single photon. And now comes this bad programming they are calling intelligence (no doubt programming by micro-managers who would be better off spending their time devising ways to control themselves so they are not destructive bottomless pits of greed).

If you are feeling fear and discomfort over these ideas, I urge you to take a deep breath and read on a little more and find out more about those feelings. The reason we are all being mass manipulated into fear is that is is a frequency very easy to control. If you can embrace it and morph it into something higher, you will likely find much better solutions to all difficulties before you.

What I like to do to scary information is to Farage it. Now, I am going to perhaps highly paraphrase something said in 2010 to EU’s Van Rompuy, as I can no longer find what I remember hearing, on the internet. This is the spirit of Brexit. Yes, I know your are dangerous and I know your are powerful, but what I really want to know is: Who ARE you and how do we get rid of you?

You must get out of the fear and into love to fully embrace the totally wonderful electromagnetic being you are. Pick your frequency and own it. Reject the thoughts and feelings that may not even be your own. Choose. Make it your choice and challenge your own mind to be sure it is that. They higher your frequency, the less susceptible you will be to control.

When I had my wake-up call and detoxed from harmful EMF I experienced something very similar to when I stopped drinking alcohol. My choice then and now is based on the same improvement in mental clarity, but also with mitigation of EMF was a huge improvement in my failing physical health. The glaring realities of the world could easily send one back into hiding or screaming down the roadway. But we are at a point where there is no place left to hide and so I urge you to go forward.

If you are struggling or having difficulties as many are, get out of the downward spiral by getting control of your electronic devices and your electromagnetic exposures. As you do that you will feel better and have more energy and focus to spiral on up. Take inventory of the thoughts and feelings you have. Which ones do you choose? Are they really even your own?

I felt abject terror as I became aware of what has been happening to us and the bad mistake I made being in the fog for too long. Fight or Flight was no longer a question as it was already apparent there would be no place to hide. So I stayed in the belly of the beast and have been trying to shelter in place. I no longer wonder when they will come for me. They are here. We have the whole zoo in play, sheep, chickens without heads, wolves and jackals, all on the rampage as the stampede reaches the cliff. They have yet to find our which animal I am. In all this play, I have reached the conclusion that electromagnetic forces are already being used for targeted as well as mass mind control. It is not something new but has been expanding. Who ever believed it was all about high speed internet? This is the true existential threat to mankind. Much of it is under your control. Use your power wisely.

There are many good websites up already on the subject of humans as electromagnetic beings so we will not elaborate too much further. Let us just say it goes way beyond the laws of vibrational attraction.

Get wired and grounded, my friends.

Health, Life and Property

Left Vs Right

The Photon is either Left Handed or Right Handed. This view would be looking down from above the top of the wave

The definition of Quantum has recently been changed to allow for it’s use for all kinds of things – mostly not easily understood – and we have come to suspect it is a new marketing term. But it’s original definition is most well described as: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation. Yes, and that is what a Photon is, that makes up the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G that is being used to surveillance and control us so abusively. We should know more, more about the Photon and energy that runs the universe, and what we should be doing instead of what is being done.

Find out more about the Photon:

Now, we come to a very interesting technology that makes claims of being able to mitigate the harmful effects of Radio-Frequency Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation. Memon produces a number of rather expensive products and I have purchased one of them for use in my car and found it to be worth having. You can go to their website and find out more, but they have changed it up recently and somehow lost some very important things that people should know. But I still found it up at an affiliated site here: .

There are two points at the link that I will bring forward here.

1. Energetic Polarisation

Electromagnetic waves have a physical and energetic spin as they travel through the air, which is known as polarisation. Right spin is healing and nurturing and left spin is destructive giving rise to disease and illness. Man-made EMFs are predominantly left turning. . .

2. “Information” on the Wave

A wave carrying harmful pathogenic information on it.

Not all information and energy promote a healthy environment. EMFs for example send information that affects the very state of our cells, . . .

So let us first of all ask, why Wireless Telecom Producers are not required to use right-handed photons and clean up their “information”? Even if this does not address all the mechanisms of harm, they appear unwilling to admit to any that they could mitigate. How do these the variables effect to experimental results? Maybe we should be testing the health effects of “information”.

And what is this “information”? We are told fairy tales about the safety of the RF/MW photons based on the energy of a single photon, while there is more on what is being broadcast at us. Other variables pertaining to the photon transmissions are also spoken of in the video at the end of our post Listen to Devra. Here is a slide from her presentation. She lists the signal variables involved in radiation absorption and even calls one Information Content.

Slide from Dr. Devra Davis Presentation – 5G, Wireless Radiation and Health: A Scientific and Policy Update

So these photons carry unknown energies and effects. We are confused that Memon claims their product will not interfere with telecommunications, but that it cleans this “information” off the photon? Is this “information” not part of the telecommunication? What is on these photons that are now unconsensual ubiquitous exposures?

But we have seen for a long, long time that they knew of this harm and have deployed it on the public anyway. They know of the frequencies and what the harm is and our government has sold licenses for all of them. Worse still are the frequencies that are unlicensed, and would be more widely used, are those they could not sell as they are so bad and the licensees know it. That would include your Wi-Fi.

You know this is just NOT RIGHT in so many ways.

PEOPLE WAKE UP! There is much harm being done. It is so time to get wired and grounded and find out what is happening here.

What would happen if people started demanding clean, right-handed photons of frequencies that were least harmful used at the lowest power needed for the service? The power is yours. Start by getting control of your wireless devices and turning them off as much as you can.

Health, Life and Property WTF Permit Application

Diamond’s Killer Was In Plain Sight

If you cannot appreciate these ladies – you have lost all perspective of the world.

We have lost our bright, beautiful and bold Diamond. Now Silk stands strong and tells her story. And in that story is a terrible possibility of who the Killer was.

As soon as Diamond hung up the PHONE, she said to me, ” I can’t breathe…

We know there is talk of the bug and the vax playing a part and we will not get so much into that here, but make our case for Murder by Phone.

We are told the Cause of Diamond’s Death is heart disease from chronic high blood pressure. But we have seen too much to much to let it stop there. We would tell you but you would likely not believe it so we suggest you get an EMF meter that measures your phone microwave range and have a look for yourself. While data downloads are the most brutal where you can see radiation like you would only otherwise only expect to experience while climbing a cell tower, you will also see blasts when the call connects and when it ends. And whatever your phone may put out, you get what you get from the Hell Towers. They send you what they want.

Yes, Diamond had a heart condition and would be very susceptible to harm from those blasts to her phone. They are not publishing any experimentation done on humans that I could find but some experimentation on the heats of rats is readily available. But what is more well known, is the effect that radio-frequency/microwave radiation has on the blood. And then again, today’s exposures are so high, some can feel it and know these effects are too real.

Not convinced? Suppose the Phone was not acting alone, but conspired with a Human Assassin to murder Diamond? Understand your phone is not your friend, but is your microchip by which you are identified, located and tracked. So maybe it was a random blast from her Phone that stopped her compromised heart. Or maybe it was a direct energy weapon that was aimed at her location. I ask you, where was her Phone when she died? Was she wearing it on her person? Or was it nearby?

Not convinced yet? You still think it may have been the bug or the vax? Well, how about all three? Here is how they are tied:

Adopted November 27, 2019, FCC 19-126 were the Federeal Communications Commission (FCC) rule changes for Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation that expanded the outdated guidelines over the range of 5G technologies and frequencies.

December 2019 is when Covid started expanding all over the world.

While we were locked down in 2020 and 2021 a massive deployment of 5G wireless telecommunications facilities took place all over the earth and in the sky.

On August 13, 2021 the Ninth District Court of Appeals determined that the FCC Human Exposure Guidelines for RF/MW Radiation were inadequate, not based on science, and remanded FCC 19-126 back to the FCC. They have not yet replied. On file with the court in this case are 11,000 pages of proof of harm, harm to children, to the unborn, harm to DNA.

Yes, it is Murder most foul. Your Phone is not your Friend.

Although Silk says Diamond “hung up” the phone, we will assume it was not a land line and that Diamond tapped her cell phone to end her call. If it is not so, that makes our case more difficult. So if you know, leave us a comment and we will reconsider our story.

Health, Life and Property

Let’s Declare an Epidemic of Amends

Dear Emily, NO.

We are so amazed at the suggestion that amnesty requests should be here already. After World War II, they did not get to it until the end of the war. Or maybe not. On May 8, 1945, World War II in Europe came to an end. On September 2, 1945, formal surrender documents were signed, designating the day as the official Victory over Japan Day (V-J Day).

In late April 1945 a large number of German scientists began to be “discovered” by the Allies. Operation Overcast was established on July 20, 1945 by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. In November 1945, Operation Overcast was renamed Operation Paperclip.

Operation Paperclip was a covert United States intelligence program that brought more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment during the period of 1945 to 1959. Many were members and leaders of the Nazi Party. . Much of the information surrounding Operation Paperclip is still classified. The U.S. is not the only country who had such a program.

Can we guess what industries they went to work in?

Rocketry and Weapons, Chemicals and Medicine.

And RADAR development of pulse Doppler, monopulse, phased array, and synthetic aperture like such microwave technologies that now bring you their successive generations.

In 1962 my father went to work at NAFEC where they were developing more advanced radar and I grew up in a home about 15 miles away. The Jersey winters are quite cold and my mother got me an electric blanket so she could turn down the heat at night, that I used for many years before relocating to a warmer climate. I will always wonder about what effect these had on my health.

This document is from 1976. There is one other that is rumored to exist from 1973, that is said to be the most shameful document in the history of the United States of America, on this subject and how it would be managed. These things have been known for a long time.

When my daughter was born, I got a baby monitor for her room. I did not clue when she developed colic. I did not realize, until a business competitor who lived in the neighborhood started snatching our customers, that it was a powerful radio. And still, somehow I thought it was a good idea to get a Life Alert pendant for my mother in her final days that ended with esophageal cancer. Who is not tainted by such decisions based on such stinking thinking? How did this happen to us? Is your cell phone still your best friend?

Those given amnesty for their crimes against humanity continued them. My wake-up call would not come until August 2019 when I experienced days of symptoms after some time spent near a cell tower in the vicinity of my home. Heed my warning on the origins of these microwave systems and how they are being used.

We have been programmed, manipulated and just plain lied to. Let the shame be on the deceivers and not the deceived. Do not shirk the responsibility for the knowing, now. Get control of your wireless devices and mitigate their use. Demand Safe Technology. Use Safe Technology. Amnesty will not save you, start your amends, now.

The deployments are continuing and the meters are not available to measure how much the exposures are going up. I would like to close with the Serenity Prayer.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.